Friday, January 25, 2019

Why It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life and Live Differently

Everyday we live our life in constant motion, and with that motion, there will always be a flow or some kind of change that follows. Some changes we welcome open heartedly, while others we might find ourselves pushing aside to avoid them. Now, it's time to ask ourselves the honest question – how often do we limit ourselves from opportunities, experiences, and even give up certain dreams because we’re digging up the most used excuses in the book? How often do we cross things off of our bucket list not because we’ve completed it, but because we’re too fixated on how we’re not able to or capable of doing them? One time is already too many times. There is no other force stronger than willpower, and it’s the willpower to either look beyond the obstacles that lay ahead of you, get through it, or walk away not because you are unable to complete it but because plans change. Plans are meant to change, and so is life. And it's never too late to change your life. Here’re the steps to getting rid of the mindset roadblocks and how to achieve the life you've always wanted.

3 Mindset Roadblocks to get rid of

1. "I’m Too Old to Start."

As the saying goes, “age is just a number” and it’s actually just a measurement of time lived. We often associate our age as a timeline for our goals. I want to move to the city by 25. I want to have a successful business by 30. I want to own a house by 35. I want to have traveled to 20 countries by 40... It’s when our goals aren’t met that the instant feeling of failure comes trickling in. The essence of time is not to be used as a set goal, but instead a guideline. Life happens all the time and at a different pace than everyone around you. There’s a huge difference between getting distracted with life’s curve balls and letting those moments define you versus becoming aware of them, and finding an alternative route. At the end, time shouldn’t be the essence of what to accomplish by when, but instead a guideline to show us if we’re on track and if that bucket list is still in alignment to you.

2. "I Don’t Have Enough Money."

How often do we say, “I don’t have enough money” versus “I have more than enough money?” The phrase “I don’t have enough money” is so common and easily integrated in our daily conversations that we don’t notice the negative effect it has in return. It’s time to change that money script,((Forbes: 4 Ways To Shift Your Money Mindset From Scarcity To Abundance)) also known as money blocks. The relationship and conversations we have with money is actually more impactful on our being than we think, and having a positive mindset about it is key to living the life you truly desire. We often let money dictate the way we live our lives, and over time, the yearning and hunger to change our lives becomes more prominent – if not urgent. An abundance mindset means to focus on what you have now instead of what you don’t have. By focusing your energy on being grateful for the opportunities money can already provide you – including the smartphone or computer which you are currently reading this article – it already changes the conversation you have with it. Everything in life requires energy. It takes the same amount of energy to talk negatively or positively about your circumstances, so why not take the latter.

3. "I’ll Start Tomorrow."

Starting tomorrow is always the greatest set back, and by pushing your personal goals to the side, you are subconsciously letting your brain know that it’s not of importance. Your goals always matter and hold value. First, look and see if it's a particular habit that is preventing you from going forward with your goals or reflect where you are spending most of your time:
  • Are you saying yes to everything and taking on other people’s projects more than your own?
  • Are you burnt out?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start?
The first step is always self-awareness.

How to Live Differently

1. Define the What and Why

Think about what’s important to you and why this is the make up of your core:
  • Are you looking for a change in career? If so, then dig deeper into why you want this career change and what are negotiable and non-negotiables in your new career.
  • Are you looking for more free time to take on creative pursuits? Think about why this has significant value to you, and what you’re willing to give up in your current situation in order to make room for this freedom.
  • Are you looking to start completely new and move to an unfamiliar place? Think about what you like about that particular place and how it taps into your emotions.
In order to live differently, you must be comfortable enough with yourself because it all stems down to the confidence within you. Your confidence and self awareness is the drive that will push you to make the uncomfortable decisions and navigate uncommon grounds when life tests you. Digging deep and getting to the core of it all can reassure that these new paths are in alignment to your values.

2. Show up as That Version of Yourself

If you want to live differently and feel more successful in your life, you must first begin to show up as that version of yourself. You have to play the role((Entrepreneur: 6 Ways a Leader Should Show Up)) and you can do this by picturing someone you highly admire. It can be their leadership qualities, how they deal with certain situations, or how they present theirselves and show up daily. Showing up in this different lifestyle also energetically brings this vision into your reality.

3. Little Makes More of an Impact

When you want to change your life, it’s doesn’t have to be this grandeur moment. Often times, small steps and changes make more of an impact and return. For instance, if one of your goals is to be healthier and shed some pounds this year, the common route would be to get a gym membership, establish a diet plan, and commit to exercising x times a week. While these are great ways to start, understand that good habits also take some time and patience to form. In the meantime, healthier living isn’t only limited to dieting and exercising. It's taking smaller bite size steps such as cutting sugar from your coffee that can stretch far in the long run. For example, you usually have your coffee black with one sugar packet. You drink two coffees in one day – one before work and another during work. One sugar packet is equivalent to about four grams of sugar, times the two cups you have daily. In one month alone, you are easily consuming 240 grams of sugar. Little changes like cutting out sugar in your coffee intake can easily make a greater impact in the future.

Final Thoughts

Remember that it's never too late to change your life and factors such as age, time, or even experience shouldn't hinder your yearning to pursue your dreams, projects, and live differently. As our life continues forward, always remember that you are in constant motion and also in constant control. You are always more ready than you think you are. It comes down to the one life we live and it's always worth making it a great one.

More Resources About Making Changes in Life

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