Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How to Find Work Motivation When You’re Unfulfilled at Work

If you've ever read into the stories of most famous entrepreneurs or talented business people, you'll find that quite a few of them share a common trait: They were very unfulfilled at work and they needed to make a change so that they could position themselves towards a career path they were passionate about. For some, it was more than possible to quit their jobs immediately and make the switch towards building their business or finding a job that worked better for them. However, not everyone has the financial stability that is required to do that and you may still need to work in your current job in order to be able to pay for your living expenses while you continue or start your education, build a side hustle, or work your way up in a different industry. Regardless of what your future career goals may be, it can be difficult to stay motivated and present in your current job when you know that it is not what you want to be doing. Are you having trouble gritting your teeth and getting the job that you have at the moment? If you are, here are some tips that will help you to find work motivation when you are unfulfilled:

1. Keep Your Mind on Your Purpose

The best way to stay motivated at work is to be super clear about why you do what you do -- your purpose. If you aren't sure your true purpose to work, you're not alone. This article can help you figure this out: How to Get Motivated and Be Happy Every Day When You Wake Up Even if you think making money is the reason why you're doing the job, you should think deeper and ask yourself why. Why is making more money so important to you? Is it because of the family that you're supporting? Or is it because you're trying to make more money to build up your own business? Find out the root of what you truly want and this purpose will become your drive to work.

2. Find the Positives in Your Role

No matter what your profession is, there are always positives to the job that you have. Whether it's being to help others by building value in their business or simply being able to interact with intelligent people, you are guaranteed to find something that you like about your job. I would like for you to sit down and write down 3 things that you enjoy about your job right now. If you can think of more, amazing! If you can only think about three or even have trouble getting to that number, that's perfectly fine. Once you've finished creating your list, I want you to take that list with you when you go to work and put it in a place where you will be able to look at it frequently. When you feel unmotivated or unsatisfied, look back at this list of things that you enjoy about your role and focus on those things while you are working. When you can highlight the positives of what you are doing, you can better focus on providing value in your position, even if you are not completely happy doing it.((Balance Career: 9 Reasons to Love the Job You Have))

3. Focus on Your Goals and How Your Work Is Helping You to Reach Them

If you're feeling unfulfilled at your job, you have hopefully found your next position and created a road map of how you are going to get there. Besides helping you to make your next move, these goals and plans serve another purpose: to keep you motivated at your current job by reminding you that it is serving your overall goal. Ultimately, your current position is simply a placeholder and a way for you to maintain steady income while you plan your exit. If need be, keep a list of these goals or a reminder of your current job's purpose nearby so that you are always reminded that, while it is not wanted at the moment, this job is more than necessary. You could also provide further motivation with this tactic by keeping a calendar that counts the days until you plan to leave so that you are reminded to continue working hard until you are ready to leave this current role behind. Have trouble setting or achieving goals? This guide can help you: How to Set Goals and Achieve Them Successfully

4. Build Momentum by Achieving Success With Small Tasks

Think back to the last time you achieved something in your current position. It felt good, right? No matter how out of love you are with your job, achieving success is still something that provides excitement when you are performing work-related tasks and being recognized and commended for them. When one feels unfulfilled at their role, it is very unlikely that they are focused on being successful and achieving a lot at work. Unfortunately, this desire to do your work well can wane if you lose sight of providing value. To get back into the swing of things, build your momentum by achieving small, simple tasks. When you see that you are more than capable of being successful in your workplace, that hunger for achievement will grow and you will be able to accomplish more difficult tasks with ease and with the desire to do so. Success breeds the desire for more success and if you are finding that you are having trouble motivating yourself in a job that isn't your favorite, this is a great way to get back on track for the time being. You can find out more about how to build momentum here: How To Celebrate Small Wins To Achieve Big Goals

5. Keep Your Overall Emotional Quality High

Even if you were working a job that you enjoyed, you can't perform well if your emotional quality isn't in good shape. Whether you are too tired, not having enough fun in your personal life, or dealing with hardships inside or outside of the workplace, it negatively impacts all aspects of your job. Before going to work and even during the course of your day, try your best to keep your emotional quality high. Whether it is putting yourself around co-workers that you love or helping them out, taking micro-breaks to recover from hard work and recharge, or by talking to a friend, a little bit of self-care goes a long way. If you're happy, you'll perform well. It's as simple as that!((Happier.com: 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier at Work))

The Bottom Line

While you won't always be in love with your job, you can always find the motivation necessary to power through the tasks associated with your role. If you have felt unfulfilled in your current position and are having trouble finding that motivation, use the five tips above to help you cultivate this work motivation in order to achieve more and push through poor performance.

More Resources About Motivation

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