Tuesday, July 30, 2019

13 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Be Happier

What makes you happy? The sky is the limit when it comes to determining what happiness means to us and creating our mission to achieve it. Things tend to get overwhelming when we attach unnecessary tasks, items, and clutter to this thought of happiness. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a beautiful home with paintings on the walls, a cozy pool in the backyard, and a garden full of flowers. But remember that, even luxuries come with responsibilities which can easily turn into clutter and additional stress. Simplifying, it should be easy but, it is harder when we’re put to the task. It’s tough not to feel overwhelmed when we think about decluttering years of accumulated stuff, cleaning out our hard drives, or even our day-to-day tasks. It’s easier to sweep them under the rug or save them in the “later” pile. It all comes down to control, and with that control, we determine our own happiness. You can live a simplified life and still be happy. Here are 13 ways to simplify your life.

1. Limit Your Options

Part of living simply is to narrow down the vast choices you have to make on the daily. Some items may truthfully be unnecessary. Look closely at your to do list and eliminate tasks that are not of importance and see if you can bulk several things together. Having a long to-do list can be overwhelming, and be mindful that our energy is finite.

2. Time Blocks

As an entrepreneur, time luxury can sometimes feel more like a curse than a blessing. Set working hours for yourself, especially when it comes to completing individual projects. Blocking your schedule or setting time frames to complete specific tasks can help keep you on track without being tempted by outside distractions. This is a way to let your brain know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to unwind.

3. Prepare the Night Before

Eliminate unnecessary tasks by preparing your items the night before. Although it might take you ten minutes to gather your work items in the morning, why not get it done the night before and use that extra time to meditate or read the paper?

4. Set Your Pace

Every morning, we make the conscious decision of setting our pace for the day. Think back to a moment when you had woken up late for work and felt irritated and overwhelmed. Our actions and reactions play like domino pieces, which either raises or lowers our vibrations. When you're having a bad day, it's usually caused by one thing that affects another and so forth. By being intentional of our pace, we have the control to stop at any moment to step back and reset. Start your morning off right by intentionally deciding how your day will unfold.

5. Find What Works for You

There are many ways to balance your bank accounts. What works for you may not work for another person, and the great thing about modern technology is the abundance of applications that are readily available on your computer or phone. Take some dedicated time to find your routines and go tos: 40 Top Productivity Apps for iPhone

6. Worry Only When Needed

This one will take some practice. If we’re not conscious of our thoughts, our worries can travel with us throughout the day. There are ways to be proactive when the thoughts start caving in such as setting aside time to worry and only worry. When doing this practice, you’ll begin to realize how much time and energy is spent worrying on certain things and how repetitive some of these worries may be. Whether it be 5 minutes or 15 minutes, spend that time addressing those worries and leave those worries there when that time is up.

7. Meal Prep

Meal preparation does not have to be hard or complicated. Preparing one or two meals in advance can take a considerable load off of your shoulders and save you some extra dollars. Some simple and easy ideas include making double the portion of a recipe or using jars to make easy to grab and go breakfasts. This guide can help you kickstart meal prep-ing: The Ultimate Meal Prep Starter Kit! All You Need is Here!

8. Limit Your Tabs

Time to look at your current explorer. How many tabs do you have open at this moment? Limit yourself to having four tabs open at all times. If there's something you want to read, bookmark the page to read for later and close the tab afterwards. Eliminating unnecessary tabs is a way to keep focus on the task up front.

9. Try Audiobooks and Podcasts

Ever have a book you’ve been wanting to read but don’t have the time to? Audiobooks are great to listen to during your commute or even at the gym. Nowadays, there are audiobooks and podcasts for almost everything – self-development, finance, food, and even astrology. Change up your routine by plugging into a show and learn something new along the way. It's a great way to simplify your life and be mindful of your time.

10. Stop Procrastinating

Sometimes the things we put off can easily be done in two mintues. Follow the “Two-Minute rule” – if a task comes up and can be done in two minutes, then just do it. This helps with procrastination and keeps your to-do list short. Here's also a guide to help you stop procrastinating: What Is Procrastination (And the Complete Guide to Stop Procrastinating)

11. Avoid Overconsuming Media

Limiting your screen time forces you to get moving. It’s easy to get lost in the never-ending world of news, incoming emails, and entertainment but, it’s all about consuming your digital information efficiently. You can simplify your life by managing your inbox and using the Two-Minute rule. For example, read your message in your inbox and ask yourself if there is an action that needs to be taken. If the action takes two minutes, do the task right then and there. If the action will take more than two minutes, put the message in a designated folder to return to. Simple tricks like these will keep your inbox from overflowing.

12. Stop Overcomplicating Things

When it comes down to it, life’s pretty simple. Perfection is an illusion, and as a result, we become less efficient and less effective when we strive to achieve that illusion. Don’t get hung up on the details and ask yourself if it matters. Some of the greatest ideas have a simple message; hence you should “just do it.”

13. Be Adaptable

Schedule changes and even life plans can happen at any moment. The best way to live a simplified life is first learning to adapt to change and riding those waves as they come. Being adaptable also means preparing for the unexpected. Start your rainy day fund while you have generated income and pay off that credit card sooner rather than later. Learn more about the importance of being adaptable: Adapting to Change: Why It Matters and How to Do It Start including these 13 things into your daily routines, make them your habits. And soon, you'll be living a more simplified life and feel happier.

More About Simplifying Life

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