Monday, September 30, 2019

Effective Employee Onboarding (The Complete Guide)

Acquiring and retaining customers for a business is difficult, but that’s never going to happen if a business can’t hold onto dedicated employees who want to be there. Imagine that your talent recruiter has spent weeks, possibly even months tracking down and interviewing the right candidates, then after they finally accept your job offer, they quit just two months later. Ouch. That’s a lot of wasted time and money. On average, companies spend over $4,000 hiring for a new position, and without an effective employee onboarding process, that money can go to waste. Before we dive into how to build an employee onboarding strategy that will prevent your business’ new hires from jumping ship, let’s first lay out what onboarding is. You might think it’s simply a few hours of new employee orientation, but it’s actually a lot more and should weave in the company’s values, culture, and people, along with all that new hire paperwork. Here’s why your business should place a top priority on building effective employee onboarding and how to do so. Trust us, this will only make every aspect of your business more successful down the line.

Why an Employee Onboarding Strategy Matters

It’s a startling statistic for businesses, but one-third of new employees quit their jobs within six months of being hired. If you hire 12 new employees over the course of a year at a cost of $4k each, that’s a potential loss of $16,000! A business that works to improve upon their employee onboarding procedure is more likely to buck that trend, meanwhile, a company that struggles with welcoming their new hires is going to take an even harder hit. There’s more than just the cost of losing new hires that factors into why good employee retention practices are important. Think back to a job you loved and a job you hated. It probably didn’t take too long to decide whether it was a place you enjoyed working or loathed, right? Maybe a week or month at the most probably. Most people know whether or not they want to stay at a company for the long-run within the first week and this is where a good onboarding experience can make all the difference. Nearly 50 percent of new employees want a better onboarding experience, and a positive start as a new hire makes people almost 69 percent more likely to stay with a company for three years or more.

Steps to Build into Your Employee Onboarding Process

A strong employee onboarding process is going to start before the new hire’s first day, and should really begin soon after they accept the position.

1. Make the Employee Feel Welcomed

Communication is key and the HR department should keep in regular contact with the new employee to let them know they’re being welcomed aboard early on. One of the dreaded, but necessary parts of any onboarding process is going to be... *dun, *dun, *dun, the paperwork. Rather than welcoming a new hire on their first day by trying to bury them up to their neck in paperwork, send over as much a possible ahead of time. This not only will help the new employee to get started sooner on the job they were hired to do, but will allow them to tackle the necessary forms at their own pace. Oh, and because we’re living in the 21st century, why is your business still using actual paper for the paperwork? A paperless onboarding system that utilizes an electronic signature not only will save money but save somebody from a sore wrist. When that first day of work for a new employee finally rolls around, they should feel welcomed from the second they step foot in the building. Let everyone else in the office know ahead of time that a new person will be joining the team and encourage them to say hello. The last thing a new hire wants is to be wandering around the office on the first day and be met with the puzzled faces of other employees who have no idea who this new person is.

2. Prep Your Employee’s Desk

Prepping your employee’s desk before they roll in on their first day might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many companies scramble to put a desk together while a new employee waits awkwardly. Having their workspace ready to go with the necessary items speaks volumes about an onboarding process and shows that a company takes them seriously as a new employee.

3. One-on-One Meeting with Manager

One of the most important aspects for an effective employee onboarding strategy is one-on-one time with direct managers. A recent LinkedIn survey of 14,000 professionals found that 96 percent said that spending one-on-one time with their direct manager early on was an important part of the onboarding process.((LinkedIn: 5 Things New Hires Want During Onboarding)) This dramatically shortens the learning curve of a new employee because it allows them and their managers to set expectations and goals early on. Developing a positive rapport with supervisors at the very beginning of a new employee’s time on the job results in greater job satisfaction, performance, and upward growth.

4. Help the Employee Bond Better with Others

When DFY Links' CEO, Charles Float, started his company, he made sure to build a team where new hires were introduced and forced to collaborate with veteran employees. This strategy helps to build a tighter employee culture in the company and results in stronger business overall. It also improves knowledge sharing, which further improved productivity and scalability.

5. Clear Job Guidelines for the Employee

Every new job comes with some uncertainty for new employees and according to the LinkedIn survey, properly understanding job duties, procedures, and goals was the second most important part of the onboarding process. Developing a thorough job training platform that creates a direct path for an employee to turn to should they have questions, will lead to greater job performance. This means not only guiding an employee on how to do their job, but teaching them of its importance and how it fits into the overall goals of the organization. This is particularly true with millennial workers; 64 percent of them said they would rather work at a job they enjoy that pays $40,000 a year than one they hate that pays $100k. Bring your employees into the big picture and why their position matters. Introduce them to the duties of others in the organization and how the tasks they’ll be working on is related to the jobs of other employees. This sort of all-encompassing way of explaining their job duties in the onboarding process can go a long way towards making them feel they made the right choice in accepting the job offer.

6. Check-in with the Employee Regularly

An effective employee onboarding strategy doesn’t simply take place the first day or the first week, but should stretch out. New employees are bombarded with so much information during the first few days that it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. HR team members should periodically check in with them during the first month to check if they have any questions or feedback on the onboarding process itself. Are they happy with the work and do they feel as if they’re part of the company culture? Lack of a good fit with the culture of a company results in a high overturn of new employees, so taking steps to bring them into the fold can dramatically improve employee retainment.

Final Thoughts

Take a look inward at your own business’ employee onboarding procedure and look for ways that it can be improved upon. Not every tactic is going to be right for every business, but winning over a new hire early on will go a long way towards their success and your business’ success down the road.

More About Team Management

from Lifehack - Feed

You don't have to go cold turkey on red meat to see health benefits

A new study has found that halving the amount red and processed (RPM) meat in the diet can have a significant impact on health, reducing the amount of LDL 'bad' cholesterol in the blood which cuts the risk of developing heart disease.

from Vegetarian News -- ScienceDaily

How to Build a Memory Palace to Remember More of Everything

With every advancement in technology, there has been a decline in something else. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it's the price we pay for convenience. To really show that, let's take a walk down memory lane. How many times have you forgotten certain items? Or how about that person's name from work? How about your own cell phone number? While these are all minor inconveniences, all these things have one thing in common: they rely on our ability to memorize things. Now, you could argue that's what contact lists and grocery lists are for but, that's the point here. You're using your phone for that rather than a powerful technique: a memory palace. There's nothing wrong with using technology, but it comes at a price and like many others, they're noticing it's hard to remember certain things -- places, dates, specific items, and more. Thankfully, this tried and true method has stood the test of time. It is immensely powerful in unlocking memories and being able to retain them with no issues. By learning what a memory palace is and using the technique, you can change your life and remember so much.

What’s the Memory Palace?

Before showing the potential of this technique, you need to know what it is first. Another name for this technique is the Method of Loci, though most people will call it the Memory Palace. It’s a memorization technique that was first developed in ancient Greek. Back then, paper was expensive and limited so people relied heavily on their own memories to retain and recall information. Going further into the technique, many people see the memory palace as a metaphor for any sort of place that you can visualize. It’s essentially a place you can go to to recall vivid memories and then apply them in the real world.

Does It Really Work?

Short answer: yes. Extremely well. One example to look to is Dominic O’Brien.((Peak Performance Training: Dominic O'Brien)) He was an eight-time world memory champion who used this method. Through this method, he was able to memorize 54 decks of cards in sequence while only having seen each card once. That’s 2,808 cards that he memorized. Another worth noting is the memorization of Pi. While this is a number without end, many people memorize the numbers for fun. But that’s not the case for a man in India. On March 2015, Rajveer Meena, was able to recite 70,000 decimal places of pi.((Guiness Record: Most Pi places memorised)) That feat is overshadowed by a Japanese man who memorized 111,700 decimals.((The Guardian: He ate all the pi : Japanese man memorises π to 111,700 digits)) “But these are all extreme cases,” I hear you saying. Yes, they are. But these individuals all started somewhere and that somewhere is the Memory Palace. As I said, the memory palace is a place to house vivid memories. However, under the right circumstances, you can leverage it for a wide variety of things. One of the most common is obviously to memorize patterns. This works because our brain is wired to associate with things that we see rather than what’s spoken.

Is Sherlock’s Mind Palace Possible?

Another modern day comparison to turn to is Sherlock Holmes’ mind palace. In the TV series “Sherlock,” we see Holmes entering this place time and again. In the show, it’s depicted as an imaginary estate that makes no spatial sense. The act itself shows this process at work, Holmes entering this treasure trove of memories. It’s an area that he’s familiar with and keeps his memories safe. It’s definitely something that we all can achieve, but likely not in the same way as how Holmes uses his. What’s wrong with how Sherlock uses his? Well, the biggest key to this method is that the place you need to visualize has to be something you are intimately familiar with. The mind palace isn’t so much of a palace as it is something that we are deeply familiar with. Examples are your own home, office, or the route you take to work. These are reliable visualizations that even experts use to great degree. Remember the deck of cards I mentioned earlier? Well, one way people memorize the sequence of cards is associating the number and the suit with an object in their house. To memorize several decks, they visualize their house or office and begin to look around the “room” and start listing off the suits based on what they see.

5 Steps to Build And Effectively Use a Memory Palace

There are many practical methods for the memory palace outside of setting world records. You can use this technique to recall long to-do lists, grocery lists, names, and more. Here is how it is done.

1. Select Your Palace

Before even starting, you need to have a place that you are familiar with. This technique is only ever going to work for you if you can mentally see and walk around the area effortlessly. It’s why I suggested an office, or your home or a familiar route. One other thing I’ll suggest is to define a particular route with said palace. While there’s nothing wrong with visualizing yourself in your home for example, the palace could be more effective if you visualized walking around it. If you have a specific walkthrough in your home, it’ll be easier for you to leverage the second step to this method. Also, if the examples I suggested don’t strike your fancy, there are other memory palaces you could create as well. Here are some suggestions:
  • A familiar street. Examples are routes you take to work, or maybe a sequence of streets that you’re familiar with.
  • Current or previous school. Visualize what the school looked like and the pathway to your classes, homeroom, hang-out spot, or the library.
  • Place of work. Think of the route from your desk to the water cooler or coffee machine. Or even to the exit.
  • Scenic views. Imagine taking a route through a local park or a path you fondly remember.

2. Identify Distinctive Features

Once you have a palace, you need to pay especially close attention to the features. For example, if you used your home as your palace, the first thing you’ll think of is likely the front door. Take some time to pay real close attention to it but also to ask yourself: What’s in that first room behind that door? Take note of everything in that room. Even what you do before hand. When you approach the front door, do you look to the left or to the right normally? Do you look down and enter a passcode? Keep in mind those tiny every day details too. The idea behind all of this is to create memory slots. These are clues that contain a single piece of information to help you jog your memory. By paying close attention to the actions and details around the area, you can create more memory slots. It’s this reason why I suggested memorizing a particular route through your memory palace. This creates more memory slots for yourself as more rooms open up to you.

3. Imprint Your Palace

For this to have any effectiveness, you need to have both the place and the route you take 100% imprinted in your head. For those of you who are exceptional at visualization, this shouldn’t be a huge struggle. However for those do, consider these tips. Commit this to memory however you can using these:
  • Walk the actual route physically and repeat out loud the distinctive features when you see them.
  • List the selected features on a piece of paper and mentally walk through them.
  • Always look at the features in the exact same direction.
  • Understand visualization is a skill and takes practice. Sometimes you have to admit that your visualization isn’t good enough. Nevertheless, there are many ways to grow it.
  • When you think you have it memorized, give yourself a break and go through your memory palace a little later. One study from Purdue University found that quizzes spaced out over periods of time improved retaining information.((American Psychological Association: A powerful way to improve learning and memory)) This same principal applies to the memory palace as you’ll be quizzing yourself later on the sequence of steps you memorized earlier.
Once the palace is imprinted into your mind, you can then start to leverage your palace.

4. Begin Association

Now that the palace is in your mind and you recall the memory slots, you can now start to fill those memory slots. All you do is take a known image - otherwise known as a memory peg - and place it with an element you wish to memorize. Where exactly do these go? These go with the particular features that you selected in your Memory Palace. Now here is the fun part. While most people would think to keep this all realistic, that’s not the best idea. In fact, it’s better to go with utterly ridiculous, nonsensical, and extraordinary visualizations. And that's not me saying this. In the article Memory Palace Science: Proof That This Memory Technique Works, the writer explains the 'right way' is:((Magnetic Memory Method: Memory Palace Science: Proof That This Memory Technique Works))
"Make it crazy, ridiculous, offensive, unusual, extraordinary, animated, nonsensical — after all, these are the things that get remembered, aren’t they? Make the scene so unique that it could never happen in real life. The only rule is: if it’s boring, it’s wrong."
To see this in practice, let’s go with a simplistic approach. After all, while we can use this technique to memorize a lot of information, it’s better to start small. Say you’re memorizing a grocery list. For the sake of the argument, you can use your memory palace to transform your house into an unusual "gingerbread house." Need to pick up some apples? Visualize your front door as a gigantic apple. How about bacon or ground beef? Visualize the smell as you enter your home and realize it's oozing out of the walls. All of these things physically wouldn't happen (except for the smell) and can serve as mental cues. They give you pause and remind you to pick up those specific items. Effective right?

5. Visit Your New Palace

The last step is to spend some time in the place. If this technique is new to you, going through it once may not be enough for you. That’s not to say you need to do this a lot, but doing quick rehearsals and repeating the journey a few times helps a lot. This technique demands a lot of visualization, and rehearsing in of itself is developing those skills too. The better you are at visualizing, the more relaxed you’ll be and easier it’ll be to memorize things in the future.

Final Thoughts

The more we grow older, the more important it is for us to retain memories. If we do not exercise our minds, we risk exposing ourselves to many dangers. There are so many conditions that impact older folks and a lot of it stems from our own mind. So like your body, make a habit of developing your mind. You don't need to go to the extreme and have a mind palace per se, but it's a massive step forward to create and to use one.

More About Enhancing Memory

from Lifehack - Feed

Friday, September 27, 2019

Common nutrient supplementation may hold the answers to combating Alzheimer's disease

In a new study, researchers reveal that a lifelong dietary regimen of choline holds the potential to prevent Alzheimer's disease (AD).

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Cellular aging is linked to structural changes in the brain

A new study now shows that if telomeres change in their length, that change is also reflected in our brain structure.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

10 Employee Engagement Ideas to Improve Teamwork

The expectations of jobs have shifted towards a more personal approach. In the past, high pay and health benefits were the motivating factors for workers –as long as they were paid well, it didn’t matter what kind of job they were doing. However, the needs of employees have changed, and workers are now looking at engagement and fulfillment as significant factors when considering job opportunities. So, what is engagement? Simply put, engagement in the workplace comes from having the right conditions that allow employees to maximize their potential. The difference between an engaged employee and an unengaged one is quite visible. An unengaged employee is not invested in the company; they do the bare minimum and work just enough to get paid. However, an engaged employee goes above and beyond for the company because they are invested. They see potential in their work and the impact it can have on the company. In other words, an engaged employee sees value in the company and is willing to invest their effort and time beyond what is expected of them. Having engaged employees could mean the difference between being an average company and an exceptional company. According to Forbes, companies with high engagement outperform those without by 202%.((Forbes: Reversing Low Employee Engagement In Manufacturing)) Knowing this, it’s no wonder why employers have suddenly started paying attention to employee engagement. Like diversity, engagement can be challenging to include in the workplace, despite the consensus agreeing on its benefits. For those looking to increase engagement in the workplace, consider these 10 ideas:

1. Set Expectations and Provide Orientation for New Hires

A study done by Jobvite stated that 33 percent of new employees quit in the first 90 days of working.((Psychology Today: Why 33 Percent of New Employees Quit in 90 Days)) Of those employees, 43 percent left because the role wasn’t what they expected or led to believe. Having an engaged workforce requires actual workers; and if your new hires keep leaving, you won’t have a workforce. Here is how Alden Tseng from Wayfindr, a software company focused on streamlining the job application process, describes this issue in his latest article on how to remedy it:((wayfindr: Jobs Market Failure & Jellyfish))
"Sometimes, job descriptions fail to convey key information or are unable to describe the full scope of certain job openings. Before posting a job listing, make sure you are describing the position in detail. Include essential information like what an average day looks like, key skills that are required, and what you expect your employees to learn while on the job. Offer a new hire orientation that enables individuals to acclimate to the company culture and their peers."
It is vital to ensure that an employee’s first impression of the company is favorable. A study done by the Wynhurst Group reported that employees were 58 percent more likely to be with an organization after three years if there were on-boarding (orientation) programs.((Fast Company: You’re Hired. Now Figure Things Out (With The Help Of This Whimsical Handbook))

2. Constantly Communicate with Employees

Feedback is crucial in encouraging worker engagement. Employees want their opinions to be heard, especially when it is directly impacting how they work. Opening channels for employees to provide feedback creates chances for management to re-evaluate their decisions and allows them to improve the workplace. However, it isn’t just about receiving feedback from employees. Feedback goes both ways, and it is important for managers to provide feedback to employees.15Five’s research into employee engagement yielded these staggering statistics:(((15Five's Research: Employee Engagement: The Key to Unlocking Your Team’s Potential (Infographic)))
  • 98% of employees who received little to no feedback are disengaged
  • Employees who received feedback on their weaknesses were 20x more likely to be engaged
  • Employees who received feedback on their strengths were 30x more likely to be engaged
Feedback between the two parties is a sign that each party is invested in the other’s success. For employees, giving and receiving feedback means they are part of the team –not just another invisible worker that has no voice in the company. For employers, it shows that employees are invested in the company’s wellbeing and want to share their opinions on how to better the workplace. The other part is of course the type of language you use with your employees. The funny part is that the way you communicate with your customers often translates into how you communicate with your employees. Jeremy Boudinet, a Marketing Manager at Nextiva, a VOIP phone system, CRM, chat and all inclusive communication suite for businesses puts it the following way:
"We see a TON of overlap in how a company communicates with its' employees and how it communicates with their team. The language that you use, the frequency of communication, the type of communication - a ton similarities here. I'll say even more - an influx of new angry customers usually correlate with employees leaving from a company."

3. Highlight Employee Achievements

Workers now want to work for a place where they matter. Research done by Penna concluded that 43% of workers cited having an opportunity to contribute to the success of the company created a positive work environment.((Penna: Meaning at Work Research Report)) Employees want to know their work is impactful to the company. One of the factors causing disengagement comes from when a worker feels like their work is meaningless. They may see their job as more of a chore than a chance to improve the company. Employee recognition can be anything from a simple thank you letter to a feature on the company website. Adam Legas, founder of Nanohydr8, a fitness drinks company, spends 1-2 hours per week making sure his employees are properly recognized, here is how he describes it:
"Recognizing an employee’s achievements shows them that their work is crucial towards company success –it gives their work meaning."

4. Incorporate On the Job Training

While the requirements of a job may have many similarities, each company has its own procedure and expectations. New employees need to be trained in order to perform the functions of their jobs correctly and in a way that is in line with the company. Without training, it would be impossible for new hires to produce quality work. A recent survey found that 40 percent of new hires that receive poor job training leave within the first year.((Guthrie Jensen: Undeniable Statistics that Prove the Value of Employee Training)) It would be counter-productive to replace an employee if all it takes to help them succeed is training. Hiring a replacement is an expensive and time-consuming process –one that could be avoided by merely training the workers at hand.

5. Provide Support for Out of Office Learning

With the rise of automation, the future of the workforce depends on up-skilling and adapting to technology. A report done by McKinsey predicted that automation could destroy up to 73 million jobs in the United States by 2030.(((McKinsey: Jobs lost, jobs gained: What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages)) Workers will need new skills and training to be successful in a post-automation world. Investing in your employees’ learning and up-skilling is essential to keeping engagement up. By supporting their learning initiatives outside of work, it shows them that the company is actively supporting their individual growth. As an employer, providing learning opportunities for workers also increases brand awareness and favorability among job-seekers. With 42 percent of millennials citing learning and development opportunities as a deciding factor when choosing jobs,((Udemy: 2018 Millennials At Work Research Report)) employers that encourage learning will have bigger talent pools to choose from. Employees want to work for companies that support their learning and development. It's a widely held misconception that investment in employee training is riskier than it once was. In fact, since the 1980s, median job tenure has increased (from 3.5 to 4.6 years) and we are spending more time at work each year (1,638 to 1,811 hours per year).((Pew Research Center: Changes in the American workplace)) As labor markets tighten and the half-life of skills shrinks, more employer-funded training is a win-win. Employers increase their appeal to new employees, as well as the engagement and productivity of current staff, and individuals enhance their skills, value and future employability.

6. Be Open-Minded with Experimentation

Experimentation allows employees to flex their creative muscles and offers them an opportunity to try something new. Experimentation doesn’t always end in success, but it is an opportunity to consider alternatives and new forms of thinking. Experimentation builds trust between employers and employees by showing employees it's okay to fail. Employees are more willing to apply new ideas and try new things if they know the company is supporting them –opening the opportunity for innovation.

7. Venture Out of the Office

Workplace engagement, at its core, is about humanizing the workplace. Aside from the brief time during interviews and reviews, management rarely has time to get to know their workers. The workplace environment leaves very little time and room for employees and employers to form relationships. Increasing engagement at work may require an approach that doesn’t include the workplace at all –a company trip. Company trips are the perfect medium where management and employees can learn more about each other. The more people know each other, the more invested they will be in each other’s success. For employees, this is an opportunity to see managers in a different light –as humans. Furthermore, company trips reward employees for their service and increase morale. It shows employees that their contributions do matter, resulting in higher engagement.

8. Offer Flexible Working Conditions

Working remotely has long been attached to the stigma of a lazy, unmotivated worker. However, this idea couldn’t be further from the truth. Remote workers carry the same responsibilities on-site workers do. Working at a desk in an office every day isn’t ideal for productivity. Different people prefer different environments, and remote work fills that need. A study done by Stanford concluded that remote workers were 13.5 percent more productive than their peers working in an office and 50 percent more satisfied with their job.((Ideas Ted: Why working from home should be standard practice))

9. Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Health is wealth, and nowhere is it more apparent than in the workplace. An engaged workforce must be healthy, both mentally and physically. It is important to encourage a healthier lifestyle because healthy workers are capable workers. A survey done by Virgin Pulse found that 85% of companies say wellness programs support engagement.((Forbes: Your Employee Engagement Strategy Needs More Wellness)) Unhealthy factors such as the lack of sleep, poor diet, and stress all play a role in determining how successful a worker is in the workplace. Healthy initiatives can range from providing healthy snacks to providing stress management classes. It is essential to keep these initiatives because high stress is one of the most significant factors in causing disengagement. Promoting healthy initiatives prevents workers from being overworked and overstressed at work, creating a more engaged workforce.

10. Make a Positive Impact

Employees want companies that are positively impacting the world. Volunteer options to better the community not only builds brand awareness but also increases engagement and worker empowerment. Working together as a team to bring good into the world can be a valuable team-building exercise and creates an atmosphere of positivity. Volunteer initiatives and philanthropic work enable workers to get involved with the community. It makes them feel good knowing that their company is standing for something positive. A recent report stated that participation in corporate social responsibility initiatives increased productivity in the workplace by 13 percent.((Your Cause: 10 Stats Every CSR Professional Should Know (Infographic))) In the same report, the authors also concluded that engaging in volunteer work reduces employee turnover rates by 50 percent.

Final Thoughts

Employee engagement is a glimpse into a more human side of the workplace. In the past, we saw employees just as workers and companies as faceless entities –and it worked for a long time. However, the new generation of workers and the future of the workplace is more human than that –they want to change the world. Engaged employees happily go to work knowing they’re positively impacting the world. It isn’t about the money –it is about being human and providing a place where workers can grow and learn.

More About Team Management

from Lifehack - Feed

10 Employee Engagement Ideas to Improve Teamwork

The expectations of jobs have shifted towards a more personal approach. In the past, high pay and health benefits were the motivating factors for workers –as long as they were paid well, it didn’t matter what kind of job they were doing. However, the needs of employees have changed, and workers are now looking at engagement and fulfillment as significant factors when considering job opportunities. So, what is engagement? Simply put, engagement in the workplace comes from having the right conditions that allow employees to maximize their potential. The difference between an engaged employee and an unengaged one is quite visible. An unengaged employee is not invested in the company; they do the bare minimum and work just enough to get paid. However, an engaged employee goes above and beyond for the company because they are invested. They see potential in their work and the impact it can have on the company. In other words, an engaged employee sees value in the company and is willing to invest their effort and time beyond what is expected of them. Having engaged employees could mean the difference between being an average company and an exceptional company. According to Forbes, companies with high engagement outperform those without by 202%.((Forbes: Reversing Low Employee Engagement In Manufacturing)) Knowing this, it’s no wonder why employers have suddenly started paying attention to employee engagement. Like diversity, engagement can be challenging to include in the workplace, despite the consensus agreeing on its benefits. For those looking to increase engagement in the workplace, consider these 10 ideas:

1. Set Expectations and Provide Orientation for New Hires

A study done by Jobvite stated that 33 percent of new employees quit in the first 90 days of working.((Psychology Today: Why 33 Percent of New Employees Quit in 90 Days)) Of those employees, 43 percent left because the role wasn’t what they expected or led to believe. Having an engaged workforce requires actual workers; and if your new hires keep leaving, you won’t have a workforce. Here is how Alden Tseng from Wayfindr, a software company focused on streamlining the job application process, describes this issue in his latest article on how to remedy it:((wayfindr: Jobs Market Failure & Jellyfish))
"Sometimes, job descriptions fail to convey key information or are unable to describe the full scope of certain job openings. Before posting a job listing, make sure you are describing the position in detail. Include essential information like what an average day looks like, key skills that are required, and what you expect your employees to learn while on the job. Offer a new hire orientation that enables individuals to acclimate to the company culture and their peers."
It is vital to ensure that an employee’s first impression of the company is favorable. A study done by the Wynhurst Group reported that employees were 58 percent more likely to be with an organization after three years if there were on-boarding (orientation) programs.((Fast Company: You’re Hired. Now Figure Things Out (With The Help Of This Whimsical Handbook))

2. Constantly Communicate with Employees

Feedback is crucial in encouraging worker engagement. Employees want their opinions to be heard, especially when it is directly impacting how they work. Opening channels for employees to provide feedback creates chances for management to re-evaluate their decisions and allows them to improve the workplace. However, it isn’t just about receiving feedback from employees. Feedback goes both ways, and it is important for managers to provide feedback to employees.15Five’s research into employee engagement yielded these staggering statistics:(((15Five's Research: Employee Engagement: The Key to Unlocking Your Team’s Potential (Infographic)))
  • 98% of employees who received little to no feedback are disengaged
  • Employees who received feedback on their weaknesses were 20x more likely to be engaged
  • Employees who received feedback on their strengths were 30x more likely to be engaged
Feedback between the two parties is a sign that each party is invested in the other’s success. For employees, giving and receiving feedback means they are part of the team –not just another invisible worker that has no voice in the company. For employers, it shows that employees are invested in the company’s wellbeing and want to share their opinions on how to better the workplace. The other part is of course the type of language you use with your employees. The funny part is that the way you communicate with your customers often translates into how you communicate with your employees. Jeremy Boudinet, a Marketing Manager at Nextiva, a VOIP phone system, CRM, chat and all inclusive communication suite for businesses puts it the following way:
"We see a TON of overlap in how a company communicates with its' employees and how it communicates with their team. The language that you use, the frequency of communication, the type of communication - a ton similarities here. I'll say even more - an influx of new angry customers usually correlate with employees leaving from a company."

3. Highlight Employee Achievements

Workers now want to work for a place where they matter. Research done by Penna concluded that 43% of workers cited having an opportunity to contribute to the success of the company created a positive work environment.((Penna: Meaning at Work Research Report)) Employees want to know their work is impactful to the company. One of the factors causing disengagement comes from when a worker feels like their work is meaningless. They may see their job as more of a chore than a chance to improve the company. Employee recognition can be anything from a simple thank you letter to a feature on the company website. Adam Legas, founder of Nanohydr8, a fitness drinks company, spends 1-2 hours per week making sure his employees are properly recognized, here is how he describes it:
"Recognizing an employee’s achievements shows them that their work is crucial towards company success –it gives their work meaning."

4. Incorporate On the Job Training

While the requirements of a job may have many similarities, each company has its own procedure and expectations. New employees need to be trained in order to perform the functions of their jobs correctly and in a way that is in line with the company. Without training, it would be impossible for new hires to produce quality work. A recent survey found that 40 percent of new hires that receive poor job training leave within the first year.((Guthrie Jensen: Undeniable Statistics that Prove the Value of Employee Training)) It would be counter-productive to replace an employee if all it takes to help them succeed is training. Hiring a replacement is an expensive and time-consuming process –one that could be avoided by merely training the workers at hand.

5. Provide Support for Out of Office Learning

With the rise of automation, the future of the workforce depends on up-skilling and adapting to technology. A report done by McKinsey predicted that automation could destroy up to 73 million jobs in the United States by 2030.(((McKinsey: Jobs lost, jobs gained: What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages)) Workers will need new skills and training to be successful in a post-automation world. Investing in your employees’ learning and up-skilling is essential to keeping engagement up. By supporting their learning initiatives outside of work, it shows them that the company is actively supporting their individual growth. As an employer, providing learning opportunities for workers also increases brand awareness and favorability among job-seekers. With 42 percent of millennials citing learning and development opportunities as a deciding factor when choosing jobs,((Udemy: 2018 Millennials At Work Research Report)) employers that encourage learning will have bigger talent pools to choose from. Employees want to work for companies that support their learning and development. It's a widely held misconception that investment in employee training is riskier than it once was. In fact, since the 1980s, median job tenure has increased (from 3.5 to 4.6 years) and we are spending more time at work each year (1,638 to 1,811 hours per year).((Pew Research Center: Changes in the American workplace)) As labor markets tighten and the half-life of skills shrinks, more employer-funded training is a win-win. Employers increase their appeal to new employees, as well as the engagement and productivity of current staff, and individuals enhance their skills, value and future employability.

6. Be Open-Minded with Experimentation

Experimentation allows employees to flex their creative muscles and offers them an opportunity to try something new. Experimentation doesn’t always end in success, but it is an opportunity to consider alternatives and new forms of thinking. Experimentation builds trust between employers and employees by showing employees it's okay to fail. Employees are more willing to apply new ideas and try new things if they know the company is supporting them –opening the opportunity for innovation.

7. Venture Out of the Office

Workplace engagement, at its core, is about humanizing the workplace. Aside from the brief time during interviews and reviews, management rarely has time to get to know their workers. The workplace environment leaves very little time and room for employees and employers to form relationships. Increasing engagement at work may require an approach that doesn’t include the workplace at all –a company trip. Company trips are the perfect medium where management and employees can learn more about each other. The more people know each other, the more invested they will be in each other’s success. For employees, this is an opportunity to see managers in a different light –as humans. Furthermore, company trips reward employees for their service and increase morale. It shows employees that their contributions do matter, resulting in higher engagement.

8. Offer Flexible Working Conditions

Working remotely has long been attached to the stigma of a lazy, unmotivated worker. However, this idea couldn’t be further from the truth. Remote workers carry the same responsibilities on-site workers do. Working at a desk in an office every day isn’t ideal for productivity. Different people prefer different environments, and remote work fills that need. A study done by Stanford concluded that remote workers were 13.5 percent more productive than their peers working in an office and 50 percent more satisfied with their job.((Ideas Ted: Why working from home should be standard practice))

9. Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Health is wealth, and nowhere is it more apparent than in the workplace. An engaged workforce must be healthy, both mentally and physically. It is important to encourage a healthier lifestyle because healthy workers are capable workers. A survey done by Virgin Pulse found that 85% of companies say wellness programs support engagement.((Forbes: Your Employee Engagement Strategy Needs More Wellness)) Unhealthy factors such as the lack of sleep, poor diet, and stress all play a role in determining how successful a worker is in the workplace. Healthy initiatives can range from providing healthy snacks to providing stress management classes. It is essential to keep these initiatives because high stress is one of the most significant factors in causing disengagement. Promoting healthy initiatives prevents workers from being overworked and overstressed at work, creating a more engaged workforce.

10. Make a Positive Impact

Employees want companies that are positively impacting the world. Volunteer options to better the community not only builds brand awareness but also increases engagement and worker empowerment. Working together as a team to bring good into the world can be a valuable team-building exercise and creates an atmosphere of positivity. Volunteer initiatives and philanthropic work enable workers to get involved with the community. It makes them feel good knowing that their company is standing for something positive. A recent report stated that participation in corporate social responsibility initiatives increased productivity in the workplace by 13 percent.((Your Cause: 10 Stats Every CSR Professional Should Know (Infographic))) In the same report, the authors also concluded that engaging in volunteer work reduces employee turnover rates by 50 percent.

Final Thoughts

Employee engagement is a glimpse into a more human side of the workplace. In the past, we saw employees just as workers and companies as faceless entities –and it worked for a long time. However, the new generation of workers and the future of the workplace is more human than that –they want to change the world. Engaged employees happily go to work knowing they’re positively impacting the world. It isn’t about the money –it is about being human and providing a place where workers can grow and learn.

More About Team Management

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How to Fix a Broken Marriage And Save Your Relationship

When you are a child and dream of your “happily ever after,” it never dawns on you that your marriage might not end up that way. I mean, let’s face it – all the Disney movies in the world never, ever hint to the fact that Cinderella and her Prince Charming would ever have any problems, right? Well, Disney movies aren’t real life. Although we all know this on a conscious level, we still – in our hearts – hope that we will be the exception to the rule. We think that we will be one of the lucky ones who have a lifelong, happy marriage. However, for many couples, it simply doesn’t happen. Why is that? Well, the reasons are many, which I will go into in a minute. But no one teaches us how to have a loving marriage. And if we didn’t see our parents living happily together, then we really have no model for it. So, what if you find yourself in an unhappy marriage? How to fix a broken marriage and save your relationship?

Reasons that Lead to a Broken Marriage

I really wish all of us could take a class in school called Relationships 101. But no one is ever formally taught how to have a good marriage (or any relationship for that matter). What is the result? The result is that all of us just sort of fly by the seat of our pants and wing it when it comes to relationships. But if you want to have a happy, healthy, successful marriage, you can’t do that. Here are some of the causes of a broken marriage.


Everyone says relationships are hard and take a lot of hard work. Well, think about it. Anything in this life that is worth having takes effort, right? I mean, unless you win the lottery, you won’t become rich without hard work. Relationships are no different. You have to put in effort into your marriage. If you don’t, and are too lazy to keep it alive, it will die.


Many people are selfish to some extent. But when it comes at the price of a healthy marriage, then it’s a problem. You can’t always put your needs first. You have to put your partner’s needs at least equal to – or before – your own. Otherwise, resentment will keep building endlessly.


This goes hand-in-hand with laziness and selfishness. If you are lazy and don’t put in effort, and you are constantly selfish, then you are neglecting your partner – and your relationship as a whole. Relationships are like plants. If you don’t water a plant, it will die. If you neglect a marriage, it will eventually end as well.


As much as we love them, children are hard on a marriage. If you are honest with yourself, you know it’s true. Children take a lot of time and energy – time and energy that could spent on your marriage. So, when couples don’t stay connected because children get in the way, then your marriage will break down.

Poor Communication Skills

Knowing how to talk to your partner to express your feelings and needs is essential. However, both people need to do the same and have empathy for the other person. If empathy (the ability to identify with and see the other person’s point of view) doesn’t exist, then it’s virtually impossible to have a healthy marriage.

How to Fix a Broken Marriage (without Couseling)

Sometimes, we feel hopeless when we’re in a bad marriage. You wonder if it is ever possible to rediscover the good relationship you had in the beginning. The answer is yes, but you have to put in some work. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the financial means to go to counseling. However, if you do, I would suggest that as a first step. Even if this is not an option, here are some steps you can try:

1. Take a Good Look at Yourself

It takes two to tango. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before. In other words, problems in a relationship are rarely the sole responsibility of just one person. Take a look at your behaviors and speculate how they might have contributed to the state of your marriage. These tips are useful for you: How to Save a Marriage That Is Falling Apart

2. Take Responsibility for Your Own Actions

Now that you know what you did to contribute to your marital problems, own up to them. Tell your spouse how you feel, and then commit to changing your behavior immediately.

3. Be Honest with Yourself and Your Spouse

Sometimes it’s easier to put your head in the sand and ignore the problems. But your marriage won’t get any better if you do this! Sit down and be honest with yourself about the state of the marriage. Then, take your feelings to your spouse and have a deep, heart-to-heart talk.

4. Have a Talk

This is an obvious step, but it needs to be done. You can’t map out a plan for the future if you don’t even talk about your problems to begin with.

5. Each Partner Explains His/Her Perception of the Problems

Perception is reality. In other words, your spouse probably sees the marriage in a very different way than you do. So, you need to listen to your partner’s point of view.

6. Just Listen

While your spouse is explaining their point of view, just listen to them. Don’t talk. Don’t interrupt them. Instead, stay calm and don’t get defensive.

7. Make a List of Things That Both People Want to Change

In order to rebuild your marriage, things obviously need to change – on both sides. So, both of you need to write down, and talk about, what needs to be changed in the marriage.

8. Write out a “Contract”

It’s easy for people to say they are going to change, but it’s another thing for them to actually follow through with it. So, it’s best to write a “contract” between the two of you and sign it. This shows commitment to each other for change.

9. Spend Quality Time Together

You can’t rebuild your marriage if you aren’t spending time together! It seems obvious, but you need to rediscover each other, and spending quality time talking and doing things is imperative.

10. Ditch the Technology

Believe it or now, technology is a huge culprit in the downfall of relationships. Whether it’s the TV, cell phone, or video games, spending too much time with technology and not each other is the kiss of death. Make sure you put that down and talk to each other on a regular basis.

Can You Fix a Broken Marriage Alone?

This is a very common question that I am asked, which does not have an easy answer. In fact, my first instinct is to answer “it cannot be done.” I truly do believe it takes two committed people to rebuild a marriage. However, if you don’t have a willing spouse, you can try these steps if you are desperate enough to try to go it alone:

Take a Look Back at What Happened in the Marriage

Do a “relationship autopsy.” In other words, how did the marriage die? Just like a literal dead body is dissected after death, you can look at your marriage and see what went wrong. If you find that a lot of the causes were because of YOU, then you can change your actions.

Notice Any Common Patterns That Have Emerged over the Years

Relationships always develop patterns. Some are good, and some are bad. So, you need to look for recurring themes in your marriage that may have gotten you into trouble. Once you identify them, try something new instead of repeating the same actions in the future.

Final Thoughts

Rebuilding a marriage is not easy, but it can be done. The easiest way to have a healthy relationship is to not let it break down in the first place. However, since that’s not an option, all the tips in this article will definitely put you both on the path to resurrecting what was lost.

More About Marriage

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Tracking Alzheimer's disease pathology in single neuronal cells

Researchers have developed a superior method to describe the very earliest effects that Alzheimer's Disease proteins have on the properties of brain cells.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Teenage acne may be a natural, transient inflammatory state

Adolescent acne does not always result in a pathological condition; rather, it may be a natural, transient inflammatory state occurring when the maturing facial skin is exposed to new microbes and enhanced production of an oily substance called sebum. Researchers argue that their novel framework suggests that the development of new treatments should focus on promoting mechanisms that restore homeostasis between facial skin and its microbial and chemical milieu.

from Skin Care News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Russell Simmons Issues a Call to Action After Shooting Deaths in Queens Continue at an Alarming Rate

Russell Simmons is asking residents, famous people and elected officials to help a local organization deal with the dramatic increase in shooting deaths in his home borough of Queens, New York.

Because The New York Times reports that gun violence has increased in the 113th precinct by 40 percent compared to this time last year, which includes Simmons’ neighborhood of Hollis, Southeast Jamaica, Springfield Gardens and St. Albans.

Russell Simmons is attempting to rally politicians and residents in Queens to deal with the increase in gun violence. (Photo: Gabriel Olsen/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

Earlier this month, Simmons sent a statement to HipHopDX, where the 61-year-old said he couldn’t go directly to the annual dinner that he throws for mothers whose children were killed, because he had to attend a wake.

A childhood friend of his named Marcellus had a son who was recently killed by gunfire, and Simmons said it was just one example of how dire things have gotten in Queens.

“The recent dinners have had mostly the same mothers because Life Camp (the program that I support) and the residents have held the violence to a minimum,” wrote Simmons. “This year was very, very different. Instead of going directly to the dinner, I was asked to stop at a church for a wake. My brother who I grew up with, Marcellus, lost his son Marcellus Jr.”

“At the dinner, we recommitted to work on lifting our community,” he added. “We reaffirmed our love for each other and our work.”

“Today, I am asking for all of my Queens Congressman, council members, community members, rappers and Hip Hop success stories to join me in helping Life Camp expand their good work. I promise to donate more and support more than I have in the past The time is now. What will you do?” Simmons concluded.

At the moment, Life Camp is asking for donations that will help hire “20 credible community messengers for the next 3 months.”

They also want to purchase uniforms and supplies for their violence intervention street teams and extend the hours of their Peace Mobile, which is described as a mobile crisis unit.

The donations would also help create “safe corridors” for children in Queens to travel back and forth to school safely.

from Atlanta Black Star

How and why does Parkinson's disease effect women and men differently?

There is growing evidence that Parkinson's disease (PD) affects women and men differently. In this insightful review, scientists present the most recent knowledge about these sex-related differences and highlight the significance of estrogens, which play an important role in the sex differences in PD.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Smoothing wrinkles in mice -- without needles

In the quest for a more youthful appearance, many people slather ointments on their skin or undergo injections of dermal fillers. But topical treatments often aren't very effective because they don't penetrate deep within the skin, whereas the results from injections typically last for only a few months and can be painful. Now, researchers have developed a needle-free 'exosome' treatment that reduces wrinkles in UV-exposed mice.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Smoothing wrinkles in mice -- without needles

In the quest for a more youthful appearance, many people slather ointments on their skin or undergo injections of dermal fillers. But topical treatments often aren't very effective because they don't penetrate deep within the skin, whereas the results from injections typically last for only a few months and can be painful. Now, researchers have developed a needle-free 'exosome' treatment that reduces wrinkles in UV-exposed mice.

from Skin Care News -- ScienceDaily

Why You Should Always Do What You Love (And How to Do It)

These days, we are becoming more aware of the importance of self-care and pursuing what makes us happy, leading many to create the lives they want. However, we can still see the culturally ingrained image of the individual who is stuck in a life that they don't want simply because they need to do certain things to survive. In fact, you may know people who do exactly this or you may lead a life like this yourself. You may feel the pull of rewarding activities that bring a smile to your face while doing the things that provide little spiritual value to your life. In all of the intricacies of society, we tend to forget one simple truth: life is meant for living. We only have so much time on this planet and we should waste as little time as possible on things that don't make us happy. But how does one get started in their search for unbridled happiness? If you feel relatively unsatisfied with your life and want to start doing more of what makes you happy, you will find the tips you need to do what you love and develop the life you dream of in this article.

1. Understand That Life Is All About Balance

The first major misconception that comes with building a positive life is that everything has to be positive. People are very quick to throw out the things that are negative and unenjoyable but learn just as quickly that this is simply not a realistic or sustainable way of living. Why? Life is about balance. You can't just do what you love because it is not possible. You are going to have to tackle things that aren't fun in order to do what you love, and there are also aspects of that you love but are probably not fun as well. You are going to have to deal with things that are unpleasant while you seek out the positive. To enjoy the sweet fruits of your labor, you have to do the labor first. The overall goal is to create a life in which you can do as much of what you love as possible. However, it is important to know that there are still going to be things you have to do that are not so fun and that is absolutely okay.

2. Know That You Can't Be Positive All the Time

Another misconception is that one can be positive all the time. We see a lot of people promoting this lifestyle that is all happiness. A life void of sadness, darkness, and pain. The truth? Life can be dark. You are going to deal with things that are painful, trying, and difficult. It is an unavoidable part of living life. You have to open your heart and soul to live a life worth living and this means opening it up for everything that could come its way. Rather than trying to escape, you need to build resilience to help you deal with these things and you need to learn to cultivate a positive mindset that helps you see the light in the darkness. You can't avoid the dark aspects of life but you can embrace them and turn them into a learning experience that contributes to your personal growth. Building a life you love is an extensive process but one that is extremely rewarding. Here are some ways you can start working towards that higher standard of living.

3. Learn What You Love Personally and Professionally

You can't build a life you love if you aren't completely aware of what you love and driven towards that passion. The first aspect of life that you will need to focus on is what you want to do during your leisure time, as this will be the easiest part of your life to change. Make a list of things that you want to do more of during your free time. Whether that involves spending more time with certain people, engaging in hobbies that make you lose track of time when you are doing them, or focusing on improving different aspects of your life such as your fitness or your financial situation, there are plenty of ways you can better utilize your free time by focusing on doing things you enjoy.((TinyBuddha: The First Steps Toward Creating a Life You Love)) The second area of life that will take longer to build but is just as important is the professional part of your life. More often than not, we end up in career paths because of the money or security that they provide rather than because we love doing them. Does this hold true for you? If it does, you are going to have to ask yourself, what do you want to be doing? What is something that people would pay you for that also brings you joy? What is something that you could do for the rest of your life that you wouldn't tire of? Regardless of what that may be, it is important to keep that in mind as you work towards making the transition from your current employment to your desired career path. Here's a guide to help you find what you love in life: How to Find Your Passion and Live a Fulfilling Life

4. Set Goals That Lead You Towards Your Best Life

Part of being human is wanting to have everything now. We all want to have the lives we want at the snap of our fingers. While there are some things we can incorporate into our lives in the moment, we are going to have to work hard for the other, bigger things. One invaluable skill that will take you far in life is learning how to properly set goals. If you have things you want in life, you are going to need to track your progress and continually move forward and accomplish things to carry you to your end goal and keep you there. Although there are a myriad of tools and resources out in the world that will help you build upon this skill and become more productive and efficient in your day-to-day life, the concept of goal-setting is quite simple. All you have to do is develop a clear, specific picture of what you want, learn what you have to do to get there, break your goal down into small, achievable steps, and set a deadline for your goal. Learn more about goal setting here: How to Makes Lasting Changes with Smart Goal Setting Of course, goals are only as effective as you are. You will have to make sure that you are following through on what you say you are going to do. Otherwise, creating the life you want can become a longer, more painful process!

5. Live Your Life With Intent

Part of the reason why we end up in lives that we aren't excited about is not that we are necessarily okay with the lives we are leading but, because we have fallen into certain habits. Once we are accustomed to doing things a certain way, we continue engaging in those activities. The only way to get out of them is to realize that these habits are present in our lives and break free of them. Living a happy life means living a life with purpose and intent. Every decision that you make should ultimately be what you want and help you work towards the things that you are searching for.((Success: It Takes Intentionality to Create a Life You Love)) This means that you are going to need to create a life that allows you to break these cycles and help you develop healthier habits that are beneficial to you. You can do this by making simple changes such as eliminating distractions and setting up simple reminders and motivators that drive you to change. Once you've developed new habits, you can then become more mindful of the habits you are engaging in, so that you can begin taking on that which only serves your growth and happiness. When you start living your day-to-day in the way you want, you are going to get much more out of what life has to offer.

Bottom Line

Doing what you love means living a life you love and when you think about it, shouldn't that be everyone's goal? Getting started is as simple as realizing what you want, getting rid of what you don't, and setting yourself up for success, three tips that you can learn more about with the guide above!

More About Living Your Dream Life

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Why You Should Always Do What You Love (And How to Do It)

These days, we are becoming more aware of the importance of self-care and pursuing what makes us happy, leading many to create the lives they want. However, we can still see the culturally ingrained image of the individual who is stuck in a life that they don't want simply because they need to do certain things to survive. In fact, you may know people who do exactly this or you may lead a life like this yourself. You may feel the pull of rewarding activities that bring a smile to your face while doing the things that provide little spiritual value to your life. In all of the intricacies of society, we tend to forget one simple truth: life is meant for living. We only have so much time on this planet and we should waste as little time as possible on things that don't make us happy. But how does one get started in their search for unbridled happiness? If you feel relatively unsatisfied with your life and want to start doing more of what makes you happy, you will find the tips you need to do what you love and develop the life you dream of in this article.

1. Understand That Life Is All About Balance

The first major misconception that comes with building a positive life is that everything has to be positive. People are very quick to throw out the things that are negative and unenjoyable but learn just as quickly that this is simply not a realistic or sustainable way of living. Why? Life is about balance. You can't just do what you love because it is not possible. You are going to have to tackle things that aren't fun in order to do what you love, and there are also aspects of that you love but are probably not fun as well. You are going to have to deal with things that are unpleasant while you seek out the positive. To enjoy the sweet fruits of your labor, you have to do the labor first. The overall goal is to create a life in which you can do as much of what you love as possible. However, it is important to know that there are still going to be things you have to do that are not so fun and that is absolutely okay.

2. Know That You Can't Be Positive All the Time

Another misconception is that one can be positive all the time. We see a lot of people promoting this lifestyle that is all happiness. A life void of sadness, darkness, and pain. The truth? Life can be dark. You are going to deal with things that are painful, trying, and difficult. It is an unavoidable part of living life. You have to open your heart and soul to live a life worth living and this means opening it up for everything that could come its way. Rather than trying to escape, you need to build resilience to help you deal with these things and you need to learn to cultivate a positive mindset that helps you see the light in the darkness. You can't avoid the dark aspects of life but you can embrace them and turn them into a learning experience that contributes to your personal growth. Building a life you love is an extensive process but one that is extremely rewarding. Here are some ways you can start working towards that higher standard of living.

3. Learn What You Love Personally and Professionally

You can't build a life you love if you aren't completely aware of what you love and driven towards that passion. The first aspect of life that you will need to focus on is what you want to do during your leisure time, as this will be the easiest part of your life to change. Make a list of things that you want to do more of during your free time. Whether that involves spending more time with certain people, engaging in hobbies that make you lose track of time when you are doing them, or focusing on improving different aspects of your life such as your fitness or your financial situation, there are plenty of ways you can better utilize your free time by focusing on doing things you enjoy.((TinyBuddha: The First Steps Toward Creating a Life You Love)) The second area of life that will take longer to build but is just as important is the professional part of your life. More often than not, we end up in career paths because of the money or security that they provide rather than because we love doing them. Does this hold true for you? If it does, you are going to have to ask yourself, what do you want to be doing? What is something that people would pay you for that also brings you joy? What is something that you could do for the rest of your life that you wouldn't tire of? Regardless of what that may be, it is important to keep that in mind as you work towards making the transition from your current employment to your desired career path. Here's a guide to help you find what you love in life: How to Find Your Passion and Live a Fulfilling Life

4. Set Goals That Lead You Towards Your Best Life

Part of being human is wanting to have everything now. We all want to have the lives we want at the snap of our fingers. While there are some things we can incorporate into our lives in the moment, we are going to have to work hard for the other, bigger things. One invaluable skill that will take you far in life is learning how to properly set goals. If you have things you want in life, you are going to need to track your progress and continually move forward and accomplish things to carry you to your end goal and keep you there. Although there are a myriad of tools and resources out in the world that will help you build upon this skill and become more productive and efficient in your day-to-day life, the concept of goal-setting is quite simple. All you have to do is develop a clear, specific picture of what you want, learn what you have to do to get there, break your goal down into small, achievable steps, and set a deadline for your goal. Learn more about goal setting here: How to Makes Lasting Changes with Smart Goal Setting Of course, goals are only as effective as you are. You will have to make sure that you are following through on what you say you are going to do. Otherwise, creating the life you want can become a longer, more painful process!

5. Live Your Life With Intent

Part of the reason why we end up in lives that we aren't excited about is not that we are necessarily okay with the lives we are leading but, because we have fallen into certain habits. Once we are accustomed to doing things a certain way, we continue engaging in those activities. The only way to get out of them is to realize that these habits are present in our lives and break free of them. Living a happy life means living a life with purpose and intent. Every decision that you make should ultimately be what you want and help you work towards the things that you are searching for.((Success: It Takes Intentionality to Create a Life You Love)) This means that you are going to need to create a life that allows you to break these cycles and help you develop healthier habits that are beneficial to you. You can do this by making simple changes such as eliminating distractions and setting up simple reminders and motivators that drive you to change. Once you've developed new habits, you can then become more mindful of the habits you are engaging in, so that you can begin taking on that which only serves your growth and happiness. When you start living your day-to-day in the way you want, you are going to get much more out of what life has to offer.

Bottom Line

Doing what you love means living a life you love and when you think about it, shouldn't that be everyone's goal? Getting started is as simple as realizing what you want, getting rid of what you don't, and setting yourself up for success, three tips that you can learn more about with the guide above!

More About Living Your Dream Life

from Lifehack - Feed

Pesticide exposure may increase heart disease and stroke risk

Occupational exposure to high levels of pesticides may raise the risk of heart disease and stroke, even in generally healthy men. The study emphasizes the importance of using protective gear when handling pesticides on the job and including pesticide exposure in your medical history.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

'Report card' on diet trends: Low-quality carbs account for 42 percent of a day's calories

An 18-year 'report card' on the American diet shows adults are eating too many low-quality carbohydrates and more than the recommended daily amount of saturated fat.

from Vegetarian News -- ScienceDaily

How to Quit Social Media for a Happier and More Focused Life

I’ve noticed that when I catch up with a friend, family member, or colleague, the other person will at some point ask if I saw what someone posted on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. My permanent reply: “No, I didn’t see it.” This response sometimes leads to a curious look. Other times, people will just proceed to explain the latest social media buzz. I’m sure some of you think I’m bragging about my lack of social media activity. There are certainly people who wear quitting social media as a rebellious badge of honor. The fact, however, is that I’ve recently realized that by limiting social media, I’m leading a much happier and more focused life.

The Upside of Life Without Social Media

I was recently reading an article about the cost of debt on happiness((The Ascent: Study: The Psychological Cost of Debt)) and it reminded me of how certain things have a taxing effect on happiness. Similar to debt, there’s certain things that can be so distracting that it can influence your personal life and how you are at work in a negative way. At work, I’d stop what I was doing any time I received a social media notification. While one way around this would be to turn off notifications, use an app that blocks sites, or completely turn off my phone, I’d still feel anxious about having to check my social feeds. FOMO is a very real thing. In fact, research conducted at Duke University's Center for Advanced Hindsight found that even if you turn off notifications, you still feel anxious that you’re missing out.((Business Insider: There's a better way to get smartphone notifications that makes people less stressed — and it doesn't require eliminating them all)) These distractions may seem harmless, but they play a part in your productivity as well. Joanne Cantor, PhD, professor emerita of communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and author of the book Conquer CyberOverload said:((The Healthy: 13 Things That Could Happen When You Quit Social Media))
“When we stop ourselves to check social media again and again, it really becomes another form of multitasking, and multitasking makes whatever you do take longer, and you do it in an inferior way.”
The American Psychological Association reports that multitasking, such as going back and forth between social media and a work-related task, can actually reduce your productivity by as much as 40 percent. Outside of work, social media distracts you from enjoying the present. For example, let’s say you’re having dinner with your family. Instead of spending quality time with your loved ones, everyone’s faces are glued to their smartphones like mindless zombies. That’s definitely not going to strengthen the relationships you have with one another. Even if social media is valuable to your business for feedback, it’s good to take a break. Here’s another example. You go to a concert or a baseball game with a friend or business acquaintance. You’re not deeply involved in this activity or, worse, enjoying the company you’re with because you’re too busy posting social media updates — or checking in to see what everyone else is posting. Besides these distractions, I’ve also noticed that I actually have more free time. I’ve been able to use this time to read, write, or learn new skills that make me a stronger person, both personally and professionally. Without social media, I’ve been more productive and able to truly enjoy the company of the people I care about. Also, I have felt less stressed and am sleeping better. Research has found that social media is linked to poor sleep, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.((Journal of Adolescent: Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem )) This shouldn’t be surprising. We lay in bed scrolling through our feeds, comparing ourselves to others. On top of that, blue light from our screens stimulating our brains, we get jealous and wish we were lying on a beach instead of preparing for work in the morning.

How to Realistically Limit Social Media

I’ll be the first to admit that limiting social media isn’t easy. The fear of missing out, of course, plays a role. Even if you aren’t addicted to social media, you’re likely to experience withdrawal symptoms when you limit. That’s actually the first step in being able to successfully limit social media: realizing you’re going to miss out on certain things. Eventually, you’ll realize you aren’t as isolated as you believe. In fact, you may have even stronger relationships because your main communication methods are more intimate, like texts and phone calls. Besides, if someone didn’t invite you to a party because you aren’t on social media, is he or she really someone you consider a close personal friend? That person’s most likely an acquaintance who really isn’t all that important to you in the grand scheme of things. After coming to this realization, you should uninstall all social media apps from your phone and log out of them on your computer. This is just a simple way to remove the temptation to view your social channels with one click or tap. Though it will be a rough start, you’ll eventually experience the benefits of not being tied to social media. The further you distance yourself from it, the less you’ll miss it. However, if you’re still struggling, look for other ways to distract yourself. Pick up a new hobby, meditate, exercise, volunteer, or actually call to catch up with a friend. Not only do these activities give you something else to focus on, but they also allow you to strengthen your existing relationships and establish new, more meaningful ones.

Life Without Social Media

If you feel you need social media to stay in the loop, seek out alternatives like newsletters or RSS feeds that are relevant. If you have to establish a social media presence professionally, set boundaries, such as logging in once a week to check messages and schedule the following week’s content. You can also delegate or outsource your social media responsibilities so you can remain free of social media. You can live without social media. In fact, it’s probably for the best. But it is an adjustment; you’ll miss out on certain things. Some people may forget you. But you’re also going to be happier and more focused because you’ll be less distracted and stressed. You’ll also be more productive and fulfilled. To ease your way into this, don’t go cold turkey. Deactivate your accounts for a week, then maybe two, then possibly permanently. As you’ll see, it’s not the end of the world.

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