Monday, August 31, 2020

Fungi in gut linked to higher Alzheimer's risk can be reduced through ketogenic diet

Specific fungi in the gut associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease and found in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be altered in a beneficial manner by eating a modified Mediterranean diet, researchers have found.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

This Romantic Husband and Wife Are The World’s Oldest Married Couple

This sweet Ecuadorian pair had their wedding nearly eight decades ago. Now, 79 years after tying the knot, they’ve been officially named the world’s oldest married couple. 110 year-old Julio Cesar Mora Tapia and 104-year-old Waldramina Maclovia Quinteros have an aggregate age of 214 years and 358 days. RELATED: Scientist’s Dream Was to Visit the Moon–After His Death, […]

The post This Romantic Husband and Wife Are The World’s Oldest Married Couple appeared first on Good News Network.

from Good News Network

What Is a Midlife Crisis and How to Deal With It

How often have you heard a person in their late 40s and early 50s tell you that they are done with life, going through a hard time, facing an existential crisis, or something else along those lines? I’m sure it’s happened quite a few times, which is why you might be afraid of a midlife crisis, too.

What Is a Midlife Crisis?

The term “midlife crisis” is used very loosely. A man who had a tough day at his job or a new mom who couldn’t sleep well at night might throw this term around in their conversations, for instance. While having a midlife crisis is possible in either situation, it’s not as broad as people perceive it to be. Some even believe that there’s no such thing as a midlife crisis! Now, it’s up to you whether you agree with that or not, but the truth is that there is a repetitive crisis trend in most people in their 40s and 50s.

What Causes a Midlife Crisis?

We generally develop a routine in our lives, which revolve around office, family, and friends. A hectic week is often followed by a party-heavy weekend, and the circle goes on. When this cycle is disturbed in the slightest, it feels inconvenient for us. It’s notably harder if this disturbance occurs in the middle age when you’ve entirely lost the tendency to adjust to changes. Aside from that, people are losing their sense of satisfaction. No matter how high-quality your lifestyle is, the happiness curve starts to drop from your teenage years until you turn 50 before it starts rising again.((HBR: Facing Your Mid-Career Crisis)) So, what happens is that you feel like the slightest inconvenience has put their life in jeopardy. Naturally, around this time, a lot of changes have already occurred. E.g., financial loss, health issues, career shift, death of a loved one, emotional loss, divorce, etc. With the already depleting happiness graph, a significant change like the ones mentioned above shakes up the person entirely. In other words, their perspective on life becomes very negative. Everything seems to be falling apart. It is the small things that pile up in this age and put the person through a tough time, after all.

3 Signs That You’re Going Through a Midlife Crisis

A midlife crisis is not just a minor source of inconvenience. Sometimes, it’s hard to figure out if you’re a victim of an existential crisis or just going through a bad day. Here are some signs that indicate a midlife crisis.

1. Physical Signals

It’s easy to spot the physical signs. More often than not, people only realize that something’s wrong after noticing changes in their bodies. Physical symptoms of a midlife crisis are pretty similar to those of depression.((Neuro Spa: Signs You Are Experiencing Depression vs. a Midlife Crisis)) The most common effect shows on your bodyweight. You can either gain or lose a lot of it. Either way, there’s usually no definite explanation for the change except that your life doesn’t feel the same. You may experience unexpected pains and aches, too. For example, you suddenly start feeling excruciating pain in your lower back without reason. One day, your arms ache. The next day, you get a headache out of the blue. A midlife crisis can increase your insecurities. You may become obsessed with your physical looks, especially your smile, eyes, and body shape. On the other hand, some people completely lose interest in their appearance and stop making an effort to look presentable. Their hair is messed up, and they don’t dress up, among other things.

2. Emotional Indicators

For men, the emotional signs of a midlife crisis can be a bit alarming. Things like mood swings are linked to women for the most part, but this stereotype is broken to pieces when a man experiences irritability for no reason during a midlife crisis. For women, mood swings can worsen. Other than uncontrollable emotions, your mind gets overpowered with jealousy. Everyone and everything around you gives you a sense of inferiority, making you want what they have. Instead of feeling happy for your loved ones’ success, you become envious. Your emotions are all over the place when you deal with a midlife crisis. You lose interest in things that you once loved to do. Your hobbies no longer sound appealing; everything seems boring for you. Worse, your mind is unable to look forward to the future. You seem to lose your vision and put your life on hold. Furthermore, you tend to deal with relationship dissatisfaction.((Good Therapy: Midlife Crisis)) Say, you may have been in an extremely happy marriage for decades, but you are over it now. You may even consider welcoming separation or divorce.

3. Irrational Behavior

Your emotional and physical changes naturally lead to irrational behavior. You begin to question everything you do in life; you never feel like you’re on the right track anymore. You either oversleep or don’t sleep at all. Everything is senseless and scattered. Although you realize what’s happening, you don’t have enough motivation to fix it.

How to Deal With a Midlife Crisis

If you think you’re going through a midlife crisis, that’s great! With this identification comes the power to tackle the issue. Two simple steps will help you work on your current situation. As you work on these elements, you’ll be able to return to your happy life slowly yet steadily.

Find the New Meaning of Life

An existential crisis is not an inconvenience but a hidden opportunity that may help you shift your perspective positively. To find this hidden opportunity, you need to find the new meaning of life. It is best to do it with a clear head. Then, you can divide life into six aspects and work through them chronologically.
  • Health: Eat well, maintain your bodily strength, and be ready to fight the life challenges physically.
  • Relationships: Surround yourself with encouraging people instead of ill-meaning ones.
  • Career: Focus on a steady job with long-term goals to avoid wandering around aimlessly.
  • Wealth: Don’t be blinded by the love of money and have a steady source of income to live a comfortable life.
  • Spiritual Wellness: Calm yourself to gain inner peace.
  • Mental Strength: Work on your weak spots to strengthen your mind and deal with emotional challenges.
As said earlier, men and women experience a midlife crisis differently: However, regardless of your gender, if you use the six-aspect approach, you’ll end up in a brighter, more positive space in the end. This technique will give you a new paradigm so that you can look away from the triggering changes that have caused the midlife crisis and pay attention to the new meaning of your life. Find out in this article about finding meaning in life: How To Find Meaning in Life: 9 Simple Ways

Break Free From Your Limits

With your new life perspective, you can start to look at each misfortunate event as a hidden opportunity. A financial loss, for example, will give you a chance to find a new income source, which is more sustainable than the last one. This is when you break free from all limits and excel beyond imagination. Try to develop a long-term strategy so that this positivity continues throughout the rest of your life. This way, a similar crisis won’t reoccur later. Learn more about how to break your limits: How to Break Free From Your Own Constraints And Live the Life You Want

Final Thoughts

Luckily, a midlife crisis is an easily manageable problem when you have a strong body and mind and a healthy dose of courage. If you have all that and more, you can beat the midlife crisis in no time!

More on Understanding Midlife Crisis

from Lifehack - Feed

People with increased risk of Alzheimer's have deficits in navigating

Alzheimer's patients develop severe symptoms of spatial disorientation as the disease progresses and are unable to find even the simplest ways.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

What Is a Midlife Crisis and How to Deal With It

How often have you heard a person in their late 40s and early 50s tell you that they are done with life, going through a hard time, facing an existential crisis, or something else along those lines? I’m sure it’s happened quite a few times, which is why you might be afraid of a midlife crisis, too.

What Is a Midlife Crisis?

The term “midlife crisis” is used very loosely. A man who had a tough day at his job or a new mom who couldn’t sleep well at night might throw this term around in their conversations, for instance. While having a midlife crisis is possible in either situation, it’s not as broad as people perceive it to be. Some even believe that there’s no such thing as a midlife crisis! Now, it’s up to you whether you agree with that or not, but the truth is that there is a repetitive crisis trend in most people in their 40s and 50s.

What Causes a Midlife Crisis?

We generally develop a routine in our lives, which revolve around office, family, and friends. A hectic week is often followed by a party-heavy weekend, and the circle goes on. When this cycle is disturbed in the slightest, it feels inconvenient for us. It’s notably harder if this disturbance occurs in the middle age when you’ve entirely lost the tendency to adjust to changes. Aside from that, people are losing their sense of satisfaction. No matter how high-quality your lifestyle is, the happiness curve starts to drop from your teenage years until you turn 50 before it starts rising again.((HBR: Facing Your Mid-Career Crisis)) So, what happens is that you feel like the slightest inconvenience has put their life in jeopardy. Naturally, around this time, a lot of changes have already occurred. E.g., financial loss, health issues, career shift, death of a loved one, emotional loss, divorce, etc. With the already depleting happiness graph, a significant change like the ones mentioned above shakes up the person entirely. In other words, their perspective on life becomes very negative. Everything seems to be falling apart. It is the small things that pile up in this age and put the person through a tough time, after all.

3 Signs That You’re Going Through a Midlife Crisis

A midlife crisis is not just a minor source of inconvenience. Sometimes, it’s hard to figure out if you’re a victim of an existential crisis or just going through a bad day. Here are some signs that indicate a midlife crisis.

1. Physical Signals

It’s easy to spot the physical signs. More often than not, people only realize that something’s wrong after noticing changes in their bodies. Physical symptoms of a midlife crisis are pretty similar to those of depression.((Neuro Spa: Signs You Are Experiencing Depression vs. a Midlife Crisis)) The most common effect shows on your bodyweight. You can either gain or lose a lot of it. Either way, there’s usually no definite explanation for the change except that your life doesn’t feel the same. You may experience unexpected pains and aches, too. For example, you suddenly start feeling excruciating pain in your lower back without reason. One day, your arms ache. The next day, you get a headache out of the blue. A midlife crisis can increase your insecurities. You may become obsessed with your physical looks, especially your smile, eyes, and body shape. On the other hand, some people completely lose interest in their appearance and stop making an effort to look presentable. Their hair is messed up, and they don’t dress up, among other things.

2. Emotional Indicators

For men, the emotional signs of a midlife crisis can be a bit alarming. Things like mood swings are linked to women for the most part, but this stereotype is broken to pieces when a man experiences irritability for no reason during a midlife crisis. For women, mood swings can worsen. Other than uncontrollable emotions, your mind gets overpowered with jealousy. Everyone and everything around you gives you a sense of inferiority, making you want what they have. Instead of feeling happy for your loved ones’ success, you become envious. Your emotions are all over the place when you deal with a midlife crisis. You lose interest in things that you once loved to do. Your hobbies no longer sound appealing; everything seems boring for you. Worse, your mind is unable to look forward to the future. You seem to lose your vision and put your life on hold. Furthermore, you tend to deal with relationship dissatisfaction.((Good Therapy: Midlife Crisis)) Say, you may have been in an extremely happy marriage for decades, but you are over it now. You may even consider welcoming separation or divorce.

3. Irrational Behavior

Your emotional and physical changes naturally lead to irrational behavior. You begin to question everything you do in life; you never feel like you’re on the right track anymore. You either oversleep or don’t sleep at all. Everything is senseless and scattered. Although you realize what’s happening, you don’t have enough motivation to fix it.

How to Deal With a Midlife Crisis

If you think you’re going through a midlife crisis, that’s great! With this identification comes the power to tackle the issue. Two simple steps will help you work on your current situation. As you work on these elements, you’ll be able to return to your happy life slowly yet steadily.

Find the New Meaning of Life

An existential crisis is not an inconvenience but a hidden opportunity that may help you shift your perspective positively. To find this hidden opportunity, you need to find the new meaning of life. It is best to do it with a clear head. Then, you can divide life into six aspects and work through them chronologically.
  • Health: Eat well, maintain your bodily strength, and be ready to fight the life challenges physically.
  • Relationships: Surround yourself with encouraging people instead of ill-meaning ones.
  • Career: Focus on a steady job with long-term goals to avoid wandering around aimlessly.
  • Wealth: Don’t be blinded by the love of money and have a steady source of income to live a comfortable life.
  • Spiritual Wellness: Calm yourself to gain inner peace.
  • Mental Strength: Work on your weak spots to strengthen your mind and deal with emotional challenges.
As said earlier, men and women experience a midlife crisis differently: However, regardless of your gender, if you use the six-aspect approach, you’ll end up in a brighter, more positive space in the end. This technique will give you a new paradigm so that you can look away from the triggering changes that have caused the midlife crisis and pay attention to the new meaning of your life. Find out in this article about finding meaning in life: How To Find Meaning in Life: 9 Simple Ways

Break Free From Your Limits

With your new life perspective, you can start to look at each misfortunate event as a hidden opportunity. A financial loss, for example, will give you a chance to find a new income source, which is more sustainable than the last one. This is when you break free from all limits and excel beyond imagination. Try to develop a long-term strategy so that this positivity continues throughout the rest of your life. This way, a similar crisis won’t reoccur later. Learn more about how to break your limits: How to Break Free From Your Own Constraints And Live the Life You Want

Final Thoughts

Luckily, a midlife crisis is an easily manageable problem when you have a strong body and mind and a healthy dose of courage. If you have all that and more, you can beat the midlife crisis in no time!

More on Understanding Midlife Crisis

from Lifehack - Feed

Kind Teen Makes Dolls For Kids With Unique Physical Characteristics–WATCH

Most little girls love dolls. When 17-year-old Ariella Pacheco was growing up, she was no exception. Since kids tend to bond best with dolls that resemble them, the American Girl doll Pacheco chose for herself looked like it could have been her sister. “She looked like me and I felt there was a piece of […]

The post Kind Teen Makes Dolls For Kids With Unique Physical Characteristics–WATCH appeared first on Good News Network.

from Good News Network

Sunday, August 30, 2020

This Woman’s Lifelong Fear Of Fruit and Vegetables Was Cured By Hypnotherapy

A British woman who has eaten only cheese, fries, and pasta for more than 20 years after developing a fear of fruit and vegetables has been largely cured by hypnotherapy. Before her treatment, Jenny Edgar would gag if she tried anything other than dry cereal, cheese, and biscuits, or her typical dinner of pasta or […]

The post This Woman’s Lifelong Fear Of Fruit and Vegetables Was Cured By Hypnotherapy appeared first on Good News Network.

from Good News Network

Saturday, August 29, 2020

30 High School Football Players Swoop in After Derecho Leaves Paralyzed Man’s Yard in Chaos

The Roosevelt High School football team came to the rescue last week for a paralyzed man and his family after a Derecho wind storm battered the neighborhood with 100mph winds. Ray has been paralyzed for decades, cared for by his two sisters in Des Moines, Iowa. When four giant trees came crashing onto his property […]

The post 30 High School Football Players Swoop in After Derecho Leaves Paralyzed Man’s Yard in Chaos appeared first on Good News Network.

from Good News Network

Friday, August 28, 2020

‘All This Beauty!’: Regina King, Issa Rae, and Tracee Ellis Ross Glow in Selfie, Fans Lose It Over Their #BlackGirlMagic

Regina King, Issa Rae, and Tracee Ellis Ross let their melanin pop and their pearly whites shine when they crossed paths recently and fans couldn’t handle the beauty.

What happens when three talented Black queens catch up with each other and document the moment in photograph form? Pure #Blackgirlmagic. The ladies were giving laid-back success vibes in their barely made-up faces and were all smiles in their pic.

(L-R): Regina King, Issa Rae and Tracee Ellis Ross/Photo Credit: @traceeellisross/Instagram

“EMMY NOMINATED TEEFS,” Ross captioned the star-studded photo.

All three actresses are celebrating 2020 Emmy nominations for their respective work in television. Tracee Ellis Ross and Issa Rae hold nominations for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for their work on “Black-ish” and “Insecure,” respectively, while Regina King landed a nom for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie for “Watchmen.” The 72nd Emmy Awards is set for Sunday, Sept. 20.

The triple dose of brains and beauty brightened up fans’ days.

“When dental plans & talent unite with Black Girl Magic ❤,” a follower wrote.

“I’d buy any toothpaste backed with these beautiful smiles ❤

“And some beautiful Teefs I might add… Congratulations Queens…,” a third gushed.

“All this beauty! ♥ 🔥

“It’s the skin for me 🙌🏽😍,” chimed in a fifth.

“Beautiful smiles, beautiful ladies, and skin goals. ❤❤❤😍😍😍

“I’m seeing a good movie,” a seventh predicted.

(L-R): Three Emmy-nominated Black queens: Regina King, Issa Rae and Tracee Ellis Ross/Photo Credit: @traceeellisross/Instagram

The image also exhibits the meeting of three different types of Black Hollywood success stories. Tracee, whose mother is The Supremes diva Diana Ross, was born into the business. Regina King got her start as a child actress, so she’s grown up in the business. Issa Rae is the greenest talent of the three, getting her start creating YouTube content and breaking out in “Insecure,” her successful HBO series about Black millennial friendships and relationships.

from Atlanta Black Star

This Affectionate Dog is Bringing So Much Joy To Firefighters Battling California’s Blazes

Meet Kerith, the two-year-old dog who loves trail running, beach exploring, and helping firefighters feel better.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Kerith (@kerith_the_golden_retriever) on Aug 26, 2020 at 7:16am PDT This sweet-natured golden retriever has one very important job. As a certified crisis response therapy dog, she’s tasked with […]

The post This Affectionate Dog is Bringing So Much Joy To Firefighters Battling California’s Blazes appeared first on Good News Network.

from Good News Network

This Man Learned Robotics on YouTube, Now He’s Creating Affordable 3D Prosthetics For Others—WATCH

As a kid, Easton LaChappelle was always fascinated by robotics and how things worked, leading him to take his passion and learn more about prosthetics engineering. That’s when he turned to YouTube to experiment and master everything from the core fundamentals of electronics to software interfaces and reading sensors. RELATED: This Cheap, Amphibious, 3D-Printed Prosthetic Means That Amputees […]

The post This Man Learned Robotics on YouTube, Now He’s Creating Affordable 3D Prosthetics For Others—WATCH appeared first on Good News Network.

from Good News Network

Engineers uncover biomechanical effects of skin rubbing

Understanding the skin damage caused by rubbing could lead to better topical skin treatments and help prevent the formation of new routes for viral and bacterial infection.

from Skin Care News -- ScienceDaily

10 Recession-Proof Debt Consolidation Tips

The journey to paying down your debt can be challenging in the best of times. It can be even more complicated when you’re balancing the effects of a global recession. Many Americans are facing immediate financial uncertainty from losing their jobs or being underemployed. The economic repercussions of this pandemic recession will be felt for years to come. Although becoming debt-free might not be your top priority during this difficult phase, you should still take steps to maximize your money. Here are some debt consolidation tips to help recession-proof your finances.

1. Ask Your Creditors to Lower Your Interest Rates

The first on this list of debt consolidation tips is asking your creditors to lower your interest rates. Many borrowers don’t realize they can contact their existing credit card providers at any time to request a lower interest rate. This often-overlooked tactic is a quick and easy way to reduce your debt burden, and it may result in a permanent or temporary (e.g. 12 months) interest rate reduction. Creditors are more likely to say “yes” if you have a history of on-time payments or if your credit score has recently increased. Even if that’s not the case, the worst thing your creditor can do is say “no.” If you aren’t successful in lowering your interest rate, don’t hesitate to ask again after a few months or after receiving lower offers from competitors. Credit card providers can issue reductions at their discretion, but it’s up to you to initiate the request.

2. Pause Low-Interest Loans to Tackle High-Interest Debt

High-interest loans and credit cards can prevent you from climbing out of debt. Although you’re hard at work making payments, interest charges are continuously accruing. This interest can quickly eat away at your monthly payment instead of chipping away at the principal balance. To help make some headway in repaying your debt, see if you can pause payments on your lower interest loans. Then, devote those funds to your higher-interest debt. This lets you eliminate your balance faster and save you from unnecessary interest charges. Options for loan deferment vary by lender. In some cases, lenders might offer an interest-free deferment. Other lenders might continue charging interest on your loan during deferment. Contact your lender to determine if deferment is available and for how long. Even a pause of two to three months can help you put a noticeable dent in your high-interest debt.

3. Consider Using a Balance Transfer Credit Card

You can quickly reduce your overall interest by taking advantage of low or 0% APR balance transfer credit cards. By transferring your existing balance from a higher interest card, you can save money and pay down your balance quicker. A low-interest rate or promotional offer, however, might come with an additional cost in the form of a balance transfer fee. For example, a creditor might offer 18 months of 0% APR when transferring a balance from another card. This perk typically comes with a 3-5% balance transfer fee that's calculated based on the transfer amount. In this scenario, you could tack on up to $300 to $500 in transfer fees if you transfer an existing $10,000 balance to a new card. You’ll need to weigh your potential savings versus the transfer fee to determine if this is a good debt consolidation strategy. Additionally, your new card might have transfer limits or a short introductory period before a higher interest rate kicks in on any remaining balance. Be sure to read the fine print and stick to your repayment strategy, so it doesn’t end up costing you more in the end.

4. Refinance With a Lower Interest Rate

Whether it’s your mortgage, student loans, auto, or other consumer debt, you might find a lower interest rate by refinancing your loan. Refinancing is one of the most helpful debt consolidation tips you should know. Refinancing replaces your existing loan with a new loan—usually with a lower interest rate or better terms. You might qualify for a better rate than when you originally took out the loan if your credit score has since improved or if consumer loan rates have dropped. Mortgage and student loan refinancing rates are at record lows since this pandemic began, which is a small silver lining in otherwise tragic health and economic crisis. The bottom line is if you can find a lower interest rate for any of your loans, take action. Remember, there might be associated refinancing fees or closing costs depending on the type of loan and lender.

5. Ask About Loan Modification

In some cases, you can benefit from modifying an existing loan instead of refinancing it into a new loan—particularly if you need immediate relief due to financial hardship. Depending on the type of loan, the refinancing process can take months, as is the case with some mortgage refinancing options. Loan modifications, however, can be processed in a short period. Loan modification can make your payment more manageable by reducing your interest rate or lowering your monthly payment. It can also extend your loan terms, which typically costs you more money in the long-run. Contact your lender to explore loan modification opportunities. Always make sure you fully understand the terms and structure of your modified loan before moving forward.

6. Shop Around for the Best Loan Consolidation Quotes

If you have high-interest debt, you may be able to consolidate multiple balances into one low-interest loan. This can save you on interest fees, but it can also streamline your payments into one due date, which can prevent missed or late payments. It’s best to grab quotes from at least three lenders any time you’re consolidating or refinancing your debt. By comparing multiple offers, you’re getting the best current rate since lenders are competing for your business. I recommend shopping around for all types of loans, especially for better student loan rates. Student loan debt, totaling more than $1.64 trillion in both federal and private student loans, surpasses all other forms of debt in the U.S. apart from housing debt.((Student Loan Planner: Student Loan Debt Statistics in 2020: A Look at The Numbers)) Because of this, there are plenty of opportunities to refinance or consolidate your student loans. If you already have private student loans, you should be shopping around for better interest rates at least once per year. Lowering your interest rate is the priority, but also compare origination fees, repayment terms, and any available cashback offers to pay down your debt further. If you have federal student loans, the decision gets more complicated. Depending on your financial situation and career goals, it might be more advantageous to keep your existing federal student loans due to their various protections (e.g. deferment and forbearance), flexible income-driven repayment plans, and available forgiveness programs.

7. Work on Improving Your Credit Score

Before consolidating a large amount of debt, take steps to improve your credit score. The higher your credit score, the better interest rates you’ll be offered. Common ways to improve your credit score include:
  • Disputing any errors or outdated information on your credit report
  • Paying off smaller credit cards and keeping your loan balances low
  • Refraining from applying for new credit accounts in a short period
  • Keeping revolving credit accounts active
These actions can help lower your credit utilization rate while maintaining your credit history length. Both are important factors in determining your credit score.

8. Cancel Any Small Credit Cards After You Consolidate Debt

Another often overlooked debt consolidation tip is canceling small credit cards. If you use a debt management program or a debt consolidation loan, you might be required to close certain credit card accounts as part of the agreement. This gives the lender more confidence that you won’t run up new balances and increases the likelihood that you’ll repay the debt. Even if you choose a different method of consolidation, it’s a good idea to cancel your smaller or newer credit cards by choice—or cut them up—to discourage you from using them.

9. Run a Credit Check to See If You Forgot About Any Debt

With endless opportunities to borrow money, payments can slip through the cracks. Check your credit report periodically to ensure you haven’t forgotten about a small loan or debt. For example, you may find that a medical bill has been sent to collections without ever physically receiving a notice because it was sent to a previous or incorrect address. Perhaps you simply forgot about a loan that has an old email on file. You could be in default without realizing it. You’re entitled to one free copy of your credit report from each of the major credit reporting companies—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—every 12 months. By keeping an eye on your credit report, you can head off any surprises and actively resolve any financial issues that arise.

10. Sign Up for a Budget-Tracking Service

An often overlooked debt consolidation tip is signing up for a budget tracking service. It’s easy to become detached from your money when you’re swiping your credit card instead of paying with cash. This psychological separation leads to overspending and more debt. Free and paid budgeting tools can help you reconnect with your finances and keep you accountable along your journey. Platforms, like Mint or You Need A Budget (YNAB), can help track your expenses and give you a big picture view of your finances. There are many free and paid budgeting tools out there, so find one that matches your financial needs and goals.

Debt Consolidation Efforts Won’t Solve All of Your Problems

Although these debt consolidation tips can help you save on interest and streamline your debt payoff strategy, it’s only one piece of the financial puzzle. If you’re spending more than you’re earning, you’ll continue to get trapped in the debt cycle. Start by setting a realistic budget, which might include significant lifestyle changes. You might need to trim down some of your expenses or find a way to bring in additional income. By relying less on credit to make ends meet, you’ll reduce the likelihood of repeating the debt cycle.

More Tips for Better Financial Management

from Lifehack - Feed

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Estrogen may lessen severity of COVID-19 symptoms in women, study finds

Why are men at greater risk than women for more severe symptoms and worse outcomes from COVID-19 regardless of age?

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

10 Best Headsets for Video Chats and Conference Calls

Since the current circumstances have compelled us to work from home, it has become even more crucial that you choose the best headset for your video chats and conference calls. Poor audio quality can massively hinder communication and, consequently, negatively affect you and the productivity of your team. To liberate you from going through the reviews of every single headset out there, we've compiled a list of the best headsets to date. This list will assist you in acquiring the best headset for your video chats and conference calls. 

Why You Should Trust Us

Our list incorporates headsets that are typically manufactured for video chatting and conferencing purposes. These headsets are unique and distinctive and stand out from the rest of the headsets. Learn some of the essential criteria to look at when choosing a headphone: 8 Essential Tips for Purchasing Headsets Among many features, our hand-picked headsets include a noise-canceling feature that blocks any unwanted external noise and enables you to concentrate on the task at hand. In addition, they encompass fluffy ear pads that will grant you the utmost comfort when they are worn for a prolonged period. 

1. Mpow 071 USB Headset

Mpow is one of the largest producers of quality headsets for video conferences and chatting. Their low and reasonable prices paired with good quality is a staple. Beyond being comfortable and having noise-canceling features, it can be connected to any device that allows USB ports and has extended-wear comfort. This allows the headband to adjust so it can fit on any head. Buy this headset.

2. Logitech H390 USB Headset

Another large contender in the market is Logitech. They provide a good mixture of headsets. The first one we’re covering is their generic one. Compared to Mpow’s, the mic is more stable as the arm of the mic is thicker. On top of that, you might find it more comfortable due to the extra padding on the headset itself. You’ve also got some inline volume and mute controls to alter audio. Buy this headset.

3. Logitech H800 Bluetooth Wireless Headset

If you’re impressed by Logitech, they have more than they can offer. If you care about wires, these wireless headphones can help you out in that area. It is a higher price than their standard headset, but it’s additional features and quality make it worthwhile. Laser-tuned speaker drivers enable crisp and clear audio. It has a range of 40 feet, allowing you to move around your workspace with ease. It has padding for comfort to make it easier for you to wear while you work. It also has a battery life of six hours before needing to be charged. Buy this headset.

4. Mpow All Platform

Another product from Mpow to consider is their All Platform headset. On the surface, it looks exactly the same as their default headset we mentioned earlier, though there are some key differences between the two. The first is that the All Platform comes with an exclusive 2-in-1 in line control allowing you to use the wired headset on your cell phone or computer. The sound card is also higher-end and thus does a better job at canceling background noise and any other sound. Buy this headset.

5. TaoTronics Bluetooth Microphone

There are so many different brands beyond Mpow and Logitech to consider. One that caught our attention was TaoTronics. It provides a lot of unique features to the table that makes it well worth considering. First is it uses AI technology to reduce noise. It is the first of its kind to use this kind of technology. Another notable feature is that it uses Bluetooth technology for stable signals and to pair with other Bluetooth technology. It’s a wireless headset, but it has a battery life of 34 hours and is designed for all-day comfort since it’s lightweight. Buy this headset.

6. Avantree Bluetooth Headphones

Taotronics isn’t the only one of the best headsets using Bluetooth technology for their headphones. Avantree is using them as well. If you’re looking for great comfort, these are some of the best ones thanks in part to them being over-ear headphones. These are great for video conferences or if your job requires you to be taking calls frequently for various reasons. First, they are wireless and wired headphones, making it ideal for whatever your preferences are. They also have a 40-hour long battery life if you decide to go wireless. It also comes with a built-in microphone, which removes the extended arm and mic that’s attached to other headphones. Buy this headset.

7. OneOdio Over-Ear Headphones

If we sold you on over-ear headphones and are looking for a cheaper alternative, OneOdio has some quality headphones with their unique features. While these are designed for musicians, they’re also designed to be monitor headphones while you work online. Regardless of the environment you’re working on, these will provide great comfort, great sound, and are compatible with all devices. The only downside is that while these headphones do have buttons to adjust audio, there isn’t a built-in microphone. It’s not that big of an issue as the devices you’re plugging this into will have built-in microphones, but that just means it can never be wireless. Buy this headset.

8. Mpow Single-Sided Microphone

Mpow has a wide variety of microphones for internet use. And while they all have a lot of features in common, there are a few changes to them. This one, in particular, is a single-sided microphone and designed to be on one ear. What’s unique with this is that you can alternate which ear it’s on due to the arm being rotatable by 270 degrees. The speaker itself can also cancel a lot of noise and the fact it’s so adjustable ensures you can position it until you’re comfortable with it. Buy this headset.

9. Mpow Microphone Comfort Fit

The final alternative for Mpow products that we’ll list here is their comfort fit brand. While all of their best headsets are designed to be comfortable, this one takes extra steps to ensure comfort. The only thing that is different from the others is the extra padding and materials used for the headset itself. Buy this headset.

10. Vogek Headphones

The final headset we’ll cover is the one from Vogek. They provide a sleek design and provide great sound compared to others at similar pricing points. In terms of sound, it offers great stereo and bass, too. All around, they’re a great investment if you’re looking for bargain headphones. Buy this headset.

Final Thoughts

Like with a lot of other products, the higher up in price you go, the more quality that comes with it. Regardless, headphones have come a long way and many that you’ll find on the internet will provide decent enough comfort. However, if you want your headphones to last for a long time, consider the ones that have made this list as they can provide great durability and you’ll be able to get your money’s worth from them.

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10 Best Headsets for Video Chats and Conference Calls

Since the current circumstances have compelled us to work from home, it has become even more crucial that you choose the best headset for your video chats and conference calls. Poor audio quality can massively hinder communication and, consequently, negatively affect you and the productivity of your team. To liberate you from going through the reviews of every single headset out there, we've compiled a list of the best headsets to date. This list will assist you in acquiring the best headset for your video chats and conference calls. 

Why You Should Trust Us

Our list incorporates headsets that are typically manufactured for video chatting and conferencing purposes. These headsets are unique and distinctive and stand out from the rest of the headsets. Learn some of the essential criteria to look at when choosing a headphone: 8 Essential Tips for Purchasing Headsets Among many features, our hand-picked headsets include a noise-canceling feature that blocks any unwanted external noise and enables you to concentrate on the task at hand. In addition, they encompass fluffy ear pads that will grant you the utmost comfort when they are worn for a prolonged period. 

1. Mpow 071 USB Headset

Mpow is one of the largest producers of quality headsets for video conferences and chatting. Their low and reasonable prices paired with good quality is a staple. Beyond being comfortable and having noise-canceling features, it can be connected to any device that allows USB ports and has extended-wear comfort. This allows the headband to adjust so it can fit on any head. Buy this headset.

2. Logitech H390 USB Headset

Another large contender in the market is Logitech. They provide a good mixture of headsets. The first one we’re covering is their generic one. Compared to Mpow’s, the mic is more stable as the arm of the mic is thicker. On top of that, you might find it more comfortable due to the extra padding on the headset itself. You’ve also got some inline volume and mute controls to alter audio. Buy this headset.

3. Logitech H800 Bluetooth Wireless Headset

If you’re impressed by Logitech, they have more than they can offer. If you care about wires, these wireless headphones can help you out in that area. It is a higher price than their standard headset, but it’s additional features and quality make it worthwhile. Laser-tuned speaker drivers enable crisp and clear audio. It has a range of 40 feet, allowing you to move around your workspace with ease. It has padding for comfort to make it easier for you to wear while you work. It also has a battery life of six hours before needing to be charged. Buy this headset.

4. Mpow All Platform

Another product from Mpow to consider is their All Platform headset. On the surface, it looks exactly the same as their default headset we mentioned earlier, though there are some key differences between the two. The first is that the All Platform comes with an exclusive 2-in-1 in line control allowing you to use the wired headset on your cell phone or computer. The sound card is also higher-end and thus does a better job at canceling background noise and any other sound. Buy this headset.

5. TaoTronics Bluetooth Microphone

There are so many different brands beyond Mpow and Logitech to consider. One that caught our attention was TaoTronics. It provides a lot of unique features to the table that makes it well worth considering. First is it uses AI technology to reduce noise. It is the first of its kind to use this kind of technology. Another notable feature is that it uses Bluetooth technology for stable signals and to pair with other Bluetooth technology. It’s a wireless headset, but it has a battery life of 34 hours and is designed for all-day comfort since it’s lightweight. Buy this headset.

6. Avantree Bluetooth Headphones

Taotronics isn’t the only one of the best headsets using Bluetooth technology for their headphones. Avantree is using them as well. If you’re looking for great comfort, these are some of the best ones thanks in part to them being over-ear headphones. These are great for video conferences or if your job requires you to be taking calls frequently for various reasons. First, they are wireless and wired headphones, making it ideal for whatever your preferences are. They also have a 40-hour long battery life if you decide to go wireless. It also comes with a built-in microphone, which removes the extended arm and mic that’s attached to other headphones. Buy this headset.

7. OneOdio Over-Ear Headphones

If we sold you on over-ear headphones and are looking for a cheaper alternative, OneOdio has some quality headphones with their unique features. While these are designed for musicians, they’re also designed to be monitor headphones while you work online. Regardless of the environment you’re working on, these will provide great comfort, great sound, and are compatible with all devices. The only downside is that while these headphones do have buttons to adjust audio, there isn’t a built-in microphone. It’s not that big of an issue as the devices you’re plugging this into will have built-in microphones, but that just means it can never be wireless. Buy this headset.

8. Mpow Single-Sided Microphone

Mpow has a wide variety of microphones for internet use. And while they all have a lot of features in common, there are a few changes to them. This one, in particular, is a single-sided microphone and designed to be on one ear. What’s unique with this is that you can alternate which ear it’s on due to the arm being rotatable by 270 degrees. The speaker itself can also cancel a lot of noise and the fact it’s so adjustable ensures you can position it until you’re comfortable with it. Buy this headset.

9. Mpow Microphone Comfort Fit

The final alternative for Mpow products that we’ll list here is their comfort fit brand. While all of their best headsets are designed to be comfortable, this one takes extra steps to ensure comfort. The only thing that is different from the others is the extra padding and materials used for the headset itself. Buy this headset.

10. Vogek Headphones

The final headset we’ll cover is the one from Vogek. They provide a sleek design and provide great sound compared to others at similar pricing points. In terms of sound, it offers great stereo and bass, too. All around, they’re a great investment if you’re looking for bargain headphones. Buy this headset.

Final Thoughts

Like with a lot of other products, the higher up in price you go, the more quality that comes with it. Regardless, headphones have come a long way and many that you’ll find on the internet will provide decent enough comfort. However, if you want your headphones to last for a long time, consider the ones that have made this list as they can provide great durability and you’ll be able to get your money’s worth from them.

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Are all vegetarian diets healthy?

Vegetarian foods are not equally healthy, according to new research.

from Vegetarian News -- ScienceDaily

Female chromosomes offer resilience to Alzheimer's

Women live longer than men with Alzheimer's because their sex chromosomes give them genetic protection from the ravages of the disease. Women get two 'doses' of a gene that only exists on the X chromosome. And some people, both male and female, have an especially potent variant of this gene. Long-term studies of older people, many of whom already had mild cognitive impairment, showed women with one or two copies of the variant progressed more slowly toward Alzheimer's.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Man Returns From Wildlife Safari to Find New Purpose in Sending Thousands of Books to Rural Kenyan Schools

Since starting his labor of love in 2018, this South Carolina man has managed to send dozens of book shipments to rural African schools.

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12 Ways for Slow Learners to Speed Up Learning

Have you ever struggled to learn something? Has it ever taken you longer to figure something out than everyone else? Do you have a mental block when it comes to certain subjects? We all have our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning new things. Everyone is a slow learner about one thing or another. I know I’m a slow learner when it comes to new languages or anything technological. But that doesn’t mean I’m a slow learner all the way around. It just means I’ve got some areas for growth. Luckily for me and you, there are many ways to speed up learning, even when we’re talking about those areas that we usually struggle with. Here are 12 ways for slow learners to speed up learning.

1. Relax and Stay Calm

It’s tough to learn much of anything when you’re stressed out or upset about something, so learning how to relax and stay calm is vital to speeding up your learning. In one study, stress negatively impacted both recall and recognition tasks.((Science Direct: Learning under stress impairs memory formation)) This means that we need to do our best to de-stress and stay calm if we’re trying to shift from a slow learner to a fast one. So, what kinds of activities can help us reduce stress and stay calm? Breathing exercises can help reduce stress. Slowing and deepening our breath can help us feel less stressed and calmer.((Simon and Schuster: Play Your Way Sane)) Mindfulness exercises can also help us think more about what we’re learning and less about what’s stressing us out. I like to notice what’s in my immediate environment and listen to the sounds happening all around me. This helps me shift from worrying and overthinking (bad for learning) to being able to better focus on the task at hand.

2. Remove Distractions

It’s also extremely difficult to learn efficiently when you’re surrounded by distractions. Extraneous noises and technology overload can get in our way when we’re trying to learn something new. To overcome my slow learner tendencies, I make sure to put my phone away and turn off my notifications. I also find a quiet spot with no radio or TV to compete with whatever it is I’m trying to learn.

3. Eat Right

It may seem obvious, but there’s a direct link between proper nutrition and learning outcomes. Nutrient deficiencies can cause you to feel like you’re in a haze, which is a surefire recipe for slow learning.((Emerald Insight: The remarkable role of nutrition in learning and behaviour)) Combat that by eating a healthy balanced diet filled with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fatty acids have been linked with memory and brain-boosting, so make sure to eat fish and nuts or try an omega-3 supplement.

4. Sleep

Another healthy way to boost your learning is to get plenty of sleep. When we sleep, our brains sort through our experiences from the day. Some synaptic connections erode while others are strengthened during sleep. This just means that your brain requires deep sleep to strengthen memories, which means you have to sleep in order to learn. So, get at least seven hours of sleep each night, so you can wake up refreshed and ready to learn. Try reviewing the information you’re trying to learn before bed, so you can use your sleep time transferring it as long-term memories. It also helps to have a consistent bedtime routine. Your body needs to have consistent Circadian rhythms to fall right asleep and get those valuable REM cycles.

5. Play to Your Strengths

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, right? I know I’m terrible at foreign languages and much more comfortable with reading and writing. So, take a self-assessment and think about things you learn quickly and things that turn you into a slow learner. Then, use this self-assessment to your advantage, and play to your strengths. When I’m struggling to learn Spanish or Bosnian, I challenge myself to read children’s books or write rudimentary stories because I enjoy them and am more comfortable with these activities. This helps me learn something I struggle with because I’m playing to my strengths, instead of just forcing myself to review grammar or memorize flashcards.

6. Practice Makes Perfect

Another trick for speeding up slow learning is to plan repeated exposure to whatever it is you’re trying to learn. Just reviewing your notes once is not going to do the trick. There’s something called spaced repetition that helps make learning more effective. Spaced repetition is when you study tough material more often and easier material less often.((Sage Journals: Spaced repetition promotes efficient and effective learning)) For example, if I’m trying to learn a new language, I might quiz myself with some vocabulary flashcards. I’m going to repeat all the cards I got wrong sooner than the ones I got right as I continue to add in new flashcards. Spaced repetition is a proven method to help you store new information as long-term memories, which means that it becomes second nature. Sure, some people have a photographic memory, but for the rest of us, we need multiple exposures to new information to learn it.

7. Mnemonic Devices

Who remembers ROYGBIV? Probably a lot of you. ROYGBIV is a mnemonic device that helps us easily (and quickly) remember the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Mnemonic devices help speed up learning by making memory encoding easier. It’s much easier for me to remember ROYGBIV than it is to remember all the colors. Then, the first letter of each color gives me a hint to make remembering the colors easier. So, if you’re having a slow learner moment, speed up by using mnemonic devices.

8. Try All Learning Styles

Learning styles started to gain in popularity in the 1990s. Since that time, there’s never been definitive proof that someone’s preferred learning style (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and reading/writing) improves learning outcomes. However, knowing which style you prefer can help you learn faster. I know I prefer to see things written out, so when I want a better chance of learning someone’s name I either write it out myself or ask them to write it, since hearing it spelled only confuses me further. Find your preferred learning style and use it to your advantage. But to really speed up learning, mix and match the learning styles and try to match the learning style with whatever you’re trying to learn. For example, if you’re trying to learn a new song, you may want to hear it first. If you’re trying to figure out some new statistics, it may help to see it mapped out visually.

9. Reflect and Adjust

When we're talking about speeding up learning, it may not make sense to stop and reflect, but being reflective and self-aware can speed up learning in the long run. Keeping a journal to review past learning helps boost learning a little, but that may just be the boost you need to move from a slow learner to a not-so-slow one.

10. Know Your Learning Blocks

It’s also important to know what makes you shut down when trying to learn new things. I know that if I’m feeling embarrassed, I tend to shut down and get defensive instead of being open to learning new things. It’s important to figure out what makes you shut down, so you can recover and continue to learn. Improv has a lot to teach us about how to create learning environments that promote creativity and learning. By going along with people’s ideas and not judging each other, we can create learning environments that are much more conducive to faster learning.

11. Don’t Be Afraid of Mistakes

Learning also requires us to make mistakes. If we’re too worried about being right or being perfect, we won’t take the risks necessary to learn new things. When mistakes do happen, it’s important to be able to talk about them openly to learn from them, instead of letting them lead to shame and embarrassment.((SpringerLink: Learning from mistakes))

12. Get Curious and Be Playful

Finally, to move from a slow learner to a fast one, it’s crucial to be curious about whatever it is you’re learning. In one study, curiosity was shown to have positive benefits for workplace learning and performance.((Wiley Online Library: Field investigation of the relationship among adult curiosity, workplace learning, and job performance)) I practice boosting my curiosity through play. I’ve developed 120 improv-inspired exercises to help people become more curious and mindful about their environment and make it easier for people to connect and form relationships with others. The key is the shift in focus. When we play, we are better able to shift our focus from internal thoughts to an external focus on the people and objects around us. This helps decrease overthinking and distractions and helps people focus on the present moment and the task at hand, crucial ingredients for efficient learning.

Final Thoughts

Don’t beat yourself up if you think you’re a slow learner. Find comfort in knowing we all have our learning strengths and weaknesses. You should also find comfort in the fact that there are twelve practical ways that you can start speeding up your learning today.

More Tips to Speed Up Learning

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

New form of brain analysis engages whole brain for the first time

A new method of brain imaging analysis offers the potential to greatly improve the effectiveness of noninvasive brain stimulation treatment for Alzheimer's, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, and other conditions.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

This Blind Mom Got To ‘See’ Her Adorable Unborn Baby Thanks to a 3D-Printed Ultrasound

A blind mom was able to ‘see’ her unborn baby—thanks to a 3D-printed ultrasound. Taylor Ellis was born with glaucoma and has very little vision. When she went in for her 20-week scan and was unable to see her baby, she was left in tears. When doctors found out she was upset, they conducted a […]

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Novel alkaline hydrogel advances skin wound care

Effective wound care requires the maintenance of optimal conditions for skin and tissue regeneration. Hydrogels provide many of these conditions, but not an alkaline environment. Now, in a breakthrough study, scientists have developed a new method that requires no specialized equipment and can be performed at room temperature to produce an alkaline hydrogel in five minutes, allowing its easy implementation in any medical practice for superior wound healing.

from Skin Care News -- ScienceDaily

Need Some Inspiration to Follow Your Dreams? Meet the Man Who Spent 8 Years Building His Own Spacesuit

If you have ever been discouraged from pursuing your wildest dreams, archeology professor Cameron Smith is a perfect role model for why you should never give up. Smith made national headlines back in September 2018 after he built his own spacesuit with the goal of testing it at 63,000 feet—a height at which no human […]

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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Insights into new form of dementia

Researchers have found that they can differentiate between subtypes of dementia inducing brain disease.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Demographers put COVID-19 death toll into perspective

With over 170,000 COVID-19 deaths to date, and 1,000 more each day, America's life expectancy may appear to be plummeting. But in estimating the magnitude of the pandemic, demographers have found that COVID-19 is likely to shorten the average US lifespan in 2020 by only about a year.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Study leads to potential for new treatment approach for Alzheimer's

Research looking at a possible new therapeutic approach for Alzheimer's disease focuses on targeting inflammation by using an antibody.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Magnetic stimulation dramatically improves fecal incontinence

Painless magnetic stimulation of nerves that regulate muscles in the anus and rectum appears to improve their function and dramatically reduce episodes of fecal incontinence, a debilitating problem affecting about 10% of the population, investigators report.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

7 Ways Your Imagination Can Change Your Life

While it’s often likened to daydreaming, strategically using imagination to change your life takes a little more skill development and engaged focus. The great news is that it doesn’t need to cost you a cent to get started, and the benefits you can achieve are unlimited! Using your imagination to change and improve parts of your life requires planning, practice, and technique refinement. However, set against carefully crafted goals, you can transform the world around you. If you’re not familiar with ways to use your imagination to turn your life around, it’s time to discover the power of that little pot of gold nestled in that grey matter between your ears.

What Powers Your Imagination and Perception Is Incredibly Similar

Your imagination is undoubtedly one of the most powerful change agents that is 100% governed by you. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, researchers have found that those areas of the brain that help you imagine visuals are highly similar to those that allow you to see them in reality. They documented that approximately 90% overlapped with the most active frontal and parietal regions.((Science Direct: Brain areas underlying visual mental imagery and visual perception: an fMRI study)) The research results indicate that the more skilled an individual is at exercising imagery techniques, the more similar the activation in those brain regions become. The reason is that the mental control processes operating in both actual perception and imagery areas are almost the same. This suggests that if there is little difference between the memory we develop from our imagination and perception of actual experience, we have higher power to influence the lens through which we perceive and experience future events. If you alter our understanding and start using imagination to change your life, you have a more exceptional ability to shape your future!

1. Exercising Your Imagination Strengthens Confidence to Chase Greater Goals

If you don’t dare to dream, you already deny yourself the right to lead a possibly fulfilling life, which can be beyond your current safety-zone mindset. Allowing your imagination to be cheeky unleashes your capacity to explore your potential in ways you may never have imagined. You can take risks in your mind and consider potential consequences – good and bad – without experiencing the latter in reality. In fact, no one needs even to know what you’re thinking about! You can entertain a universe of possibilities in the safety of your private thought space anytime, anywhere. Using imagination to change your life and dream of possibilities helps determine what actions you need to take. Where your mind goes, energy flows. Constructive and strategic use of your imagination governs the direction in which your efforts will take you. After all, as you dream of the possibilities, you unconsciously and automatically explore how you relate to them. The focus of your attention tells your brain what is important and what to notice. Because your mind predominantly functions as a problem-solving device, what you deliberately think about and imagine will strengthen neurocircuitry’s activation, helping you find opportunities to bring those things to fruition.

2. You Improve Personal Effectiveness in Concentration, Productivity, and Happiness

According to Harvard psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert, our minds are wandering off on subjects that we’re not meant to be doing 46.9% of the time.((AAAS: A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind)) It entails that this aimless mind-wandering typically makes people unhappy. Meanwhile, Harvard professor Dr. Srini Pillay explains how we can steer our wandering imagination through positive, constructive daydreaming (PCD) to serve us better and increase our happiness.((Harvard Business Review: Your Brain Can Only Take So Much Focus)) While engaging in a pressure-free activity such as knitting, walking, or gardening, we gently direct our minds to percolate and think around ideas, possibilities, and problems. Pillay suggests starting with imagining something playful or relaxing in your mind’s eye. Then, pivot toward expanding your imagination to explore opportunities as you hold this fun image in your head. As you see yourself reclining on the deck of a yacht sailing in the Bahamas, you feel the sun’s warmth. Your lungs are grateful to inhale pristine clean air fully; you can smell the seawater. This scenario relaxes your mind and body. And as you lay there, you think about your priorities and plans. Strategically planting periods throughout the day improves our concentration and productivity by creating relaxed and pressure-free spaces in our minds. We’re no longer mind-wandering aimlessly. Instead, we’re creatively thinking and having a far more enjoyable time as we do it! If you need more help to boost your productivity, check this out: 50 Ways to Increase Productivity and Achieve More in Less Time

3. You Become More Attuned to Opportunities That Fit Your Goals and Priorities

Stretching and practicing painting the picture of your ideals also helps you recognize if your sights are genuinely aligned with what’s important. Think big. Try on the journey you think might have to take for size. Imagine what it would feel like to meet that goal. Think of role models who have experienced the recognition that you aspire to happen to yourself.
  • Do you have similar qualities and attributes?
  • Do you recognize what it took for a person to achieve certain milestones and surpass them?
  • Looking at their journey, do you imagine confronting the same challenges?
  • Can you see yourself acquiring the knowledge and learning the skills that others had to get to reach their goals?
  • How can your experience be the same or different?
Just doing this simple, imaginative comparison might start you thinking the following:
  • “I’m different from them in many ways. I might consider doing things somewhat differently.”
  • “I’m not sure I want to take the path they took.”
  • “Some of the challenges I see them experiencing would not be so tough.”
  • “I can do some of those things. Others I see I will have to learn.”
As you make these comparisons, you should start to get a sense of what similarities you bear and where the differences lie between you and your role model concerning your unique characteristics and capabilities. It would help if you started to get a stronger sense of whether the goal you are chasing also fits you or if it is what you want. Suppose you sense that your current aspiration does not feel right or is not healthily energizing to you. In that case, your imagination helps you see that you need to pivot and explore in a different direction. As you allow your imagination to explore, notice whether you feel resistance or desire to think in another direction. Not feeling passion when your imagination visits certain places suggests that it’s time to move on to different expeditions to discover what goals may suit you better. (Learn more about setting goals in this guide: How To Set Your Goals And Achieve Them Without Stress)

4. Regular Imagery Exercise Can Reduce Stress and Improve Mental and Physical Well-Being

Numerous studies have documented improvements in mental and physical well-being after exercising guided imagery. The most effective methods teach individuals to access all their human senses — taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight — throughout an imagery sequence combined with powerful breathing techniques. Working with a skilled therapist to develop imagery skills is highly worth the investment if your goal is to decrease stress and pain, improve calmness, or simply quiet your mind. Skillful imagery of relaxing subjects, situations, and stories can lower your blood pressure, lower your heart rate, and relax muscle tension without you even thinking about it. Guided imagery is increasingly getting considered as an alternative to pain management medication. In a meta-analysis that reviews the effect of guided imagery on patients with arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, all studies showed statistically significant improvements in observed outcomes.((Science Direct: Guided Imagery for Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Diseases: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials)) Individuals have been taught to imagine what it would be like to experience freedom in joint movement. They see and feel themselves moving freely without pain while directing healing messages in their minds to parts of their body that experience pain and inflammation. You can use similar techniques to accelerate your recovery whenever you are feeling poorly. You can practice accessing memories of when you have been fully well, or create pictures of yourself as you feel radiant, emotionally balanced, and alive with healthy energy and a clear mind. Use these methods along with physical and dietary healing strategies to increase your control over your recovery speed.

5. You Can Heal Emotional Pain and Discomfort to Move Forward in Your Life

Your imagination can play a particularly powerful and liberating role in releasing and diffusing emotional pain, which may be affecting how you live today. Imagery is increasingly used to treat anxiety and mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, and sports performance. Two primary forms of imagery being applied in psychotherapeutic settings are imaginal exposure and imagery rescripting.((American Psychological Association: What Is Exposure Therapy?)) Individuals’ imagery skills develop with the aid of a trained and qualified psychotherapist. They then learn to safely prepare a new script that will replace or attach different meanings to painful memories that have caused emotional scarring. After reviewing clinical trials regarding the effects of imagery rescripting, Arnoud Arntz found incredibly promising results.((Journal of Experimental Psychopathology: Imagery Rescripting as a Therapeutic Technique: Review of Clinical Trials, Basic Studies, and Research Agenda)) Clients have the opportunity to process emotions that they cannot typically access. They learn to access the care, nurturing, and support they need during an uncomfortable experience, ascribe a healthier attitude towards the situation and recognize that it was an exception, not the norm. Using imagination to change your life can help you diffuse unhelpful emotions that affected your life. You might avoid certain types of situations and people. Learning how to use imagery proactively can help you lift the emotional shackles of your past and start living life again the way you’ve always wanted.

6. You Develop Clarity and Greater Confidence on When to Say Yes and No

From the continued practice of imagining what you wish to experience, have, and do, identifying what doesn’t support your aspirations becomes much easier. You start seeing how certain opportunities, experiences, and relationships that don’t serve your goals fit what you imagine in your future. You then feel disparity and more resistant to accommodating or accepting opportunities and invitations. With increased PCD, your neurocircuitry strengthens your familiarity and comfort with what you are wanting to experience, do, and have. Over time, your connections with parts of your past and present can start to weaken. That is because our imagination is helping you make room for the changes you envision. Your friendships might change and perhaps even become less satisfying. Similarly, you might start finding yourself gravitate more easily toward opportunities and people who are on similar journeys as you.

7. It Improves Sport and Exercise Performance

Sports psychologists around the globe are experts at helping individuals develop imagery mastery to improve not just their physical performance but also their mindset. When imagery is combined with thought reframing and redirection, you have powerful tools for working through emotional and physical pain when you feel like you have reached your limits. Research has long shown that imagery rehearsal can improve physical performance almost as much as physical rehearsal. In the event of injury, illness, or judicial decisions that temporarily rule you out of squad selection, imagery practice becomes more important than ever. You can continue to practice, even though your body may be experiencing physical limitations. You can rehearse set-plays. You can still practice technical skills in your mind’s eye. You can accelerate your body’s healing process. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to benefit from using imagination to change your life. You can get in a position to deadlift a certain goal weight or picture what you are wearing or what gym you attend in your mind. You can choose a mantra that holds personal and emotional meaning for you. You can incorporate instructive self-talk and imagine hearing energizing music. You imagine what it feels like to start the lift, feet firm, eyes ahead. You imagine feeling the strain but still feeling your body telling you that it will do whatever it can to launch. You also get to wallow in the feeling and elation of having achieved your goal! To start developing imagery skills in the best way possible, start using imagination to change your life or at least what's within your control. Always remember that there are no limits to your imagination, and it never has to be fixed. “I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.” — Michelangelo

More on Using Imagination to Change Your Life

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