Wednesday, May 15, 2019

11 Things to Do When You Think You’re Not Good Enough

Have you battled against the feeling of worthlessness? Irrespective of whatever a situation demands, are you not feeling good enough? If you do, the first thing you need to know is that you are not alone. In fact, we're all in this together. I strongly feel every individual encounter this phase when life asks extremely tough questions. And just because we cannot answer every unpredictable question, most of us develop a feeling of hopelessness. But don't you think enjoying favorable situations and surrendering to the unfavorable ones is an intriguing question on your mental toughness? To your surprise: These testing times are essential for your transformation into a stronger and positive individual. Or else, life just goes on sans any exploration, with no excitement. Straightforward, feeling not good enough about yourself can make you or break you. I'm sure you want to make your way ripping those dark clouds hovering over you. Are you pumped up for the challenge? Here're 11 things to do when you think you’re not good enough:

1. Stop Comparing and Competing with Others

Everyone is wired differently. But the problem with most of us is in the quest to become everyone else, we lose our originality. With that, we lose an integral quality - Self Love.((tiny buddha: What Self-Love Means: 20+ Ways to Be Good to Yourself)) The never-ending comparison with people is destructive enough to evoke a sense of worthlessness. So please stop killing your uniqueness to become like others because you cannot: The More We Compare, the More We Lose Ourselves. Let us avert any competition with others so that we bring out the best in us. This way, you'll surely prevent yourself from surrendering to your lows.

2. Recall Your past Achievements and Credentials

If you can feel you are not good enough, trust me, you are capable enough to feel proud about yourself. Any positive emotion from your memory book can uplift your mind state and rejuvenate you. Better said than done, I know it's difficult to think positive under the influence of negativity. But it is just an initiation which is required to creates a strong base for your rescue. Be it the smallest thing, any sense of your past accomplishment negates the feeling of uselessness. So just switch on your positive reminders. It's the perfect antidote.

3. Deactivate the Thinking Mode for Some Time

Fortunately, this isn't as hard as it sounds. The mind is a powerful thing, and in a nanosecond, it can elevate or crush our mood because of the beliefs lurking behind our feelings. So whenever you think you are not good enough, remember it is just the frequency and quality of thoughts which needs to change, not you. Everyone encounters these hard times where you can't do much to change it. The best approach is letting this phase pass without overthinking. So - next time you think you are not good enough; remind yourself to stop thinking!

4. Express out the Negativity

Not only positive emotions, expressing negative emotions is imperative. It is the quickest way to unburden oneself from the misery of feeling not good enough. Simply put, whenever you sense something is not right around or inside you; speak out! It might require valiant courage in the beginning. Sink into your mind that all it takes is one bold step. As soon as you speak out, you'll feel not only it offloads the feel of worthlessness but also reboots your confidence and esteem. Sometimes, it is better to say no than to say yes and be crushed under the stress of possibly producing a poor product or disappointing the requestor.((Dumb Little Man: The Courage To Say No))

5. Choose the Right Person with Whom You Share Your Lows

This is important or it can sink you further. You just cannot unveil your pure unfiltered emotions in front of everyone. That's because when you are expecting a shoulder to lean on which is not there on offer, the effects of feeling useless may intensify and aggravate your pain. So make sure you are flush out feelings of your hard times to one who knows you well; the one you can trust upon. But please make sure you share. You may not get the right advice but surely the strength to let go the tough times.

6. Any Act of Compassion Can Rejuvenate You

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.((Great Good Magazine: What Is Compassion?)) Yes... one of the best ways of reviving back your higher self is by uplifting others. When you fulfill the emotional or financial needs of others, not only does it bring a smile on their face, but also make you feel content. Don’t believe me? try it! Whenever you feel not good enough about yourself, follow compassion. Never hold back if you are efficient enough to suffice people's life anyway. Any such act is sufficiently powerful to provide an instant high you are seeking.

7. Focus on the Process Than on the Results

Do you frequently think about the possessions attached to success before achieving? It is a common syndrome with many people in this fast-paced materialistic world. We think about the name, fame, luxury attached to success so much that when we come back to reality, it leads to frustration and impatience. We simply lose focus which adversely affects the execution of the process. Why? Your mind refuses to endure because it has tasted success in imagination. Then, insecurity seeps in to provoke a thought you are not good enough. Wondering what to do? Resist the temptation of overthinking about success by developing self control. You also need to understand it is normal and happens with almost every individual. Don't be hard on yourself and take a break. It is just a matter of time you will be back on track.

8. Work-Out to Experience the Liveliness

Feeling not good enough? Most of the times, a small workout session is all you need to push yourself back to life. Any form of exercise not only detoxifies your body but also releases happy hormones in mind. You don't need to hit the gym every time; there are many exercises to help you stay on track from home. A healthy body and mind is the best combination to recover from your lows speedily. Don't just think... start!

9. Stop Fulfilling the Undue Expectations of People

Are you always trying to fulfill others' expectations on you? If yes, you are digging your own grave. Not only you'll lose people, but you'll also your individuality. Ever wondered how long will you be able to sustain? Not long enough! If it continues, you won't be able to respect your priorities. It is bound to evoke the feeling of uselessness. To get rid of it, showcase your nudity by yourself than to live in fear of getting exposed by people.((Happy Realization: Either you are nude or naked; know the difference?)) I'm sure you cannot deny everyone's expectations on you but be clear about the difference between taking the essential responsibilities and being others' puppet.

10. Stop Believing in Social Media Profiles

How often do you see a smiling picture posted in social media? Can you identify the broken hearts behind that smile though? Never -- and this is where you miss your mark. The irony is whenever you feel not good about yourself, most of us sub-consciously spend a long time over the phone scrolling the social media. Those deceptive smiles are all over you and a sense of comparison follows. Please stop now! Use social media wisely. Don't allow it to ruin your thoughts.

11. Stop Criticizing Life and Start Appreciating It

Are you blessed with basic necessities of life needed to qualify for happiness- food, clothing, and shelter? If you are this fortunate, you are over most of the world's population. So whenever you think you are not good enough, just stop there and appreciate your life for all the blessings it bestows you. Yes... thankfulness is what is needed to beat the blues! It enables you to see the bigger picture. And you adapt to the demanding situations better. Always remember: Only when you accept the lows, your positive attitude will deal with it better.

Final Thoughts

All of life is peaks and valleys. Don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low. -John Wooden
My friend, look at the positive side! You are one brave individual has the guts to accept something is wrong with you. Not only that, you are ready to fix it. If you are not feeling good enough, that means your feeling quotient is working fine. And that's great! The only concern is the uncontrollable negative thoughts that drive you away from positivity. What you need to do is slow down the thinking process and gradually revive back your positive self. Always remember: Whenever you feel down under, you need to handle yourself with extra love and care. Nothing is permanent, this too shall pass. Take this as an opportunity because when you think you are at the brink of losing, it is actually the beginning calling!

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