Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Combining genetics and brain MRI can aid in predicting chances of Alzheimer's disease

Researchers are studying how a combination of genetics and brain MRIs may be used to predict the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease in the future.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers develop word-score model capable of estimating hidden hearing loss

Researchers have developed a word-score model capable of estimating the amount of hidden hearing loss in human ears using ordinary speech scores from hearing tests. Currently hidden hearing loss, or cochlear nerve degeneration, cannot be measured by an audiogram.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Common antiretroviral drug improves cognition in mouse model of Down syndrome

Lamivudine, a commonly-used antiretroviral drug for treating HIV, improves cognition in a mouse model of Down syndrome, according to the findings of a new study. Though clinical studies are necessary to confirm that the drug elicits a similar effect in humans, the findings pave the way for pharmacological treatments that rescue the relatively rapid cognitive decline in people with Down syndrome that is more commonly seen in much older adults in the general population.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Bacteria's shapeshifting behavior clue to new treatments for urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are both very common and potentially very dangerous. Around 80 per cent of UTIs are caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), which is increasingly resistant to antibiotics. E. coli-related death due to antimicrobial resistance is the leading cause of bacterial fatalities worldwide. New research examining bacterial behavior over the infection cycle is an important step towards enabling new treatments or prevention in the future.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, June 27, 2022

Improved protein function opens way for new drug development concept

Researchers describe how they have improved the ability of a protein to repair oxidative DNA damage and created a new protein function. Their innovative technique can lead to improved drugs for diseases involving oxidative stress, such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and lung diseases, but the researchers believe it has even greater potential.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Light during sleep in older adults linked to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure

In a sample of older men and women ages 63 to 84, those who were exposed to any amount of light while sleeping at night were significantly more likely to be obese, and have high blood pressure and diabetes compared to adults who were not exposed to any light during the night, a new study finds.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, June 24, 2022

Flu vaccination linked to 40% reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease

People who received at least one influenza vaccine were 40% less likely than their non-vaccinated peers to develop Alzheimer's disease over the course of four years, according to a new study.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Sight problems may increase dementia risk in older adults

Older adults with untreated sight conditions may be at increased risk of dementia, according to a new systematic review and meta-analysis of 16 studies involving 76,373 participants.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Women's heart attacks are often missed: This gene may help explain why

Newly identified genes may help explain why women experience different heart disease symptoms than men do, which often leads to misdiagnosing serious problems.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers untangle the APOE4 gene, the most significant genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease

Researchers have discovered two important novel aspects of the gene: 1) human genetic background inherited with APOE4 is unique to APOE4 patients and 2) the mechanistic defects due to APOE4 are unique to human cells.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The younger we feel, the better we rehabilitate, research shows

Could the expression 'you're only as old as you feel' hold true for older people recuperating from physical disabilities? Apparently so. Researchers have found that feeling young can increase the chances of successful rehabilitation from medical conditions, even in old age.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Children who had bronchitis linked to adult lung problem

Study into the consequences of childhood infection finds Australian children who had bronchitis at least once before the age of seven were more likely to have lung problems in later life.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, June 20, 2022

Single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimer's disease

A single MRI scan of the brain could be enough to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, according to new research.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, June 17, 2022

Gold ribbon not necessary: Healthy brain and body function are the rewards in this game

Researchers have found that even the oldest adults can benefit from a game-like intervention that targets cognitive and physical function by combining body movement with tasks that stimulate frontal, temporal, and occipital brain activity to prevent age-associated declines.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, June 16, 2022

30-year study links childhood obesity and fitness to midlife cognition

A new study of the impact of childhood fitness and obesity on cognition in middle age, followed over 1200 people who were children in 1985 for over 30 years, has found that better performance on physical tests is related to better cognition later in life and may protect against dementia in later years. Importantly these findings are not impacted by academic ability and socioeconomic status at childhood, or by smoking and alcohol consumption at midlife.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Ageism and health: Study shows close links

Older adults who have worse physical health or mental health, and those with more chronic conditions, are more likely to have experienced many forms of ageism.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Stress accelerates immune aging, study finds

Stress -- in the form of traumatic events, job strain, everyday stressors and discrimination -- accelerates aging of the immune system, potentially increasing a person's risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and illness from infections such as COVID-19, according to a new study. The research could help explain disparities in age-related health, including the unequal toll of the pandemic, and identify possible points for intervention.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Progress on early detection of Alzheimer's disease

As more than 6 million Americans continue living with Alzheimer's disease, a biomedical engineer is reporting the development of a new probe for detection of the protein that is known to be a hallmark of Alzheimer's. The finding could signal a step forward in early detection of the disease.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Recent study indicates high prevalence of recently defined non-Alzheimer's dementia

Medical researchers have completed a definitive assessment of the prevalence of a form of dementia classified in 2019 and now known as LATE. The results show that the prevalence of brain changes from LATE may be roughly 40% in older adults and as high as 50% in people with Alzheimer's disease.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, June 13, 2022

Older adults more likely to have multiple health ailments than prior generations

Later-born generations of older adults in the United States are more likely to have a greater number of chronic health conditions than the generations that preceded them, according to a new study.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, June 10, 2022

Multiple heart-related conditions linked to triple dementia risk, regardless of genetics

Having multiple conditions that affect the heart are linked to a greater risk of dementia than having high genetic risk, according to a largescale new study.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Hormones contribute to sex disparities in bladder cancer, study shows

Male sex hormones interfere with the body's ability to fight bladder cancer, likely explaining why males experience higher cancer rates and more deadly disease, according to a new study.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

High optimism linked with longer life and living past 90 in women across racial, ethnic groups

Higher levels of optimism were associated with longer lifespan and living beyond age 90 in women across racial and ethnic groups.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Rapamycin increases Alzheimer's-associated plaques in mice, study finds

Researchers found that administration of the drug rapamycin in mice was associated with increased beta-amyloid plaques. This is one of the hallmark pathologies of Alzheimer's disease. The study authors caution that rapamycin's effects in beta-amyloid-associated Alzheimer's must be studied more carefully.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Intriguing connection between diet, eye health and lifespan uncovered

Researchers have demonstrated a link between diet, circadian rhythms, eye health and lifespan in Drosophila. They additionally and unexpectedly found that processes in the fly eye are actually driving the aging process.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Striking a Power Pose Can Give a Person More Self-Confidence

Striking a powerful pose like Superman or Wonder Woman does actually make people feel more confident—and maybe even behave more confidently—according to a new study. The German team has confirmed what small studies already suggested, after crunching data from 130 different experiments from published and unpublished studies involving more than 10,000 people. “We found a […]

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from Good News Network

Saturday, June 4, 2022

British Woman Who Fled War in ‘74 Closes Her Hotel to Tourists–Giving Ukrainian Refugees a Home Instead

A woman whose family fled to Britain to escape a war has closed her seaside hotel to tourists—so she can give Ukrainian refugees a place to stay. Nitsa Michael is no longer taking guests at the Seaward Hotel—even during her busiest season in Weston-super-Mare, England. Instead, she has rolled out the welcome mat to 22 […]

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from Good News Network

Friday, June 3, 2022

Women Finds $36K in Free Craigslist Chair Cushion – and Never Considered Keeping the Money for Herself

When a woman recently found a lump in the cushion of a chair she had received for free on Craigslist, she thought it was a heating pad someone with a bad back had stuffed into it. But when Vicky Umodu from Colton in California unzipped the cover, she pulled out a dozen envelopes of cold, […]

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from Good News Network

Target protein for diabetes drug linked to reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease

Mechanisms associated with a particular diabetes drug can also help to protect against Alzheimer's disease, a new study reports. The results indicate that the drug's target protein can be an interesting candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Benefit of supplements for slowing age-related macular degeneration

The AREDS2 dietary supplement formula not only reduces risk of lung cancer due to beta-carotene, but is also more effective at reducing risk of AMD progression, compared to the original AREDS formula.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Evidence mounts for alternate origins of Alzheimer's disease plaques

A breakdown in how brain cells rid themselves of waste precedes the buildup of debris-filled plaques known to occur in Alzheimer's disease, a new study in mice shows.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Impact of DNA mutations on lifelong blood cell production uncovered

Researchers discover how leukemia-associated gene mutations steadily commandeer blood cell production over a lifetime, and how these changes relate to aging and cancer development.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

Cellular secrets of aging unlocked by researchers

Researchers have discovered how genetic mutations accumulated slowly over a lifetime lead to dramatic changes in how blood is formed after the age of 70, providing a new theory for aging.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

A biomarker that can diagnose Parkinson's disease

Researchers have successfully developed a biomarker that will enable Parkinson's disease to be rapidly and inexpensively diagnosed from blood serum samples. Being able to diagnose the disease faster will hopefully lead to the development of new treatment methods, which will have great benefit, especially for aging societies.

from Healthy Aging News -- ScienceDaily

New Documentary on JOY features Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, Streams Live on GNN FB Page – WATCH

So a monk and a bishop walk into a bar… If someone had to sum up the friendship of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, maybe that’s how it would begin. A documentary to be streamed live on Facebook on June 2nd celebrates the incredible friendship of these two global icons. […]

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